Disclaimer: This is an unofficial fork of the official C*NET US Directory, which contains many dead and obsolete listings. This forked version of the directory shows only working numbers, for convenience. Working blocks are determined by a periodic scan, which is cached. Additionally, the live directory is cached and refreshed at most once every hour, to increase performance. Block cache last updated 2021/07/24.
The following numbers were intentionally removed from this directory, because they cause problems with loading the page: 263-4823
All Active Listings || Active Now
2065 listings displayed out of 2906 total listings [filtered].
Working Block Ratio: 60% (787 / 1318 blocks)
Owner | Phone Number | Description | Comments |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3001 | main phone | Local Asterisk station |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3010 | NSN howler | |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3011 | NSN tones | |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3012 | stepbystep ring | |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3013 | 1004hz tone | |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3014 | 400 to 4000 sweep | |
AZBELL, JAMES | 1-220 -3015 | NSN announcement | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -0000 | OPERATOR | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -1001 | Switch Room | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -1004 | 1KC Test Tone | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -1212 | Atlanta Weather | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -1213 | Atlanta Time (EST) | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -2287 | Coin Line | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -2663 | Meet-Me Conference | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -3600 | Echo Test | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -5288 | AT&T Operator | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -9949 | Milliwatt Test | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -9950 | 1XB Ringback Tone | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -9973 | SF Trunk | |
Robertson, Geoff | 1-225 -9990 | Non-Supervised Test | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0000 | NOTICE | If calling from PSTN, if there is no service agreement, please call (315) 898-1680, then dial 7 digits for call completion. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0015 | C*NET ENUM Lookup Test | Prompts for C*NET numbers to look up and then indicates success or failure and reads back the raw ENUM lookup result. Useful for testing ENUM updates to make sure routing to your node is correctly configured. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0025 | C*NET ENUM Lookup Test | Same as 231-0015, but doesn't read back the number entered before announcing the results, if you find that patronizing or unnecessary. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0041 | Loop Around Side A | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0042 | Loop Around Side B | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0109 | Manual C*NET Operator | Same as BE1-0110, but designed for manual phones. Hotline dial this from a manual phone and you have manual operator service! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0110 | C*NET Operator | Operator Brian will place your call for you, 24/7/365. The backend powering this is the same as that which powers the PhreakNet automated dial-0 operator. Must send valid caller ID. In memoriam Brian Clancy, 1953-2020. Rest in peace, Brian! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0201 | DDD Test | Direct Distance Dialing test recording. No supervision provided. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0444 | ANI2 and STIR/SHAKEN Test Line | ANI2 and STIR/SHAKEN Test Line |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -0980 | Modem | InterLinked Public Access UNIX System / PhreakNet Bulletin Board System (BBS). 300 baud. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1001 | Silent Termination | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1002 | 1004 Hz Milliwatt | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1003 | 1004 Hz Milliwatt | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1004 | 1004 Hz Milliwatt | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1006 | High Tone | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1007 | Low Tone | This is the tone used for Precise Busy Tone and Precise Reorder Tone |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1010 | Precise Dial Tone | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1011 | Precise Ringback Tone | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1012 | City Dial Tone | This is 600 Hz modulated by 120 Hz exactly (hence it does not have the imperfections of a "real" city dial tone) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1013 | City Busy Tone | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1014 | City Ringback Tone | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1015 | Modem Tone | NOT a real modem, just the frequency |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1020 | Fax Tone | This is not a real fax machine, just the tone |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1022 | Tone Generator | Plays solid tone of caller-specified 2-digit frequency |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1023 | Tone Generator | Plays solid tone of caller-specified 3-digit frequency |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1024 | Tone Generator | Plays solid tone of caller-specified 4-digit frequency |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1025 | Tone Generator | Plays solid tone of caller-specified 5-digit frequency (frequencies up to 12,000 Hz seem to work) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1026 | Tone Combiner | Prompts for two frequencies to add and then combines them |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1027 | Tone Modulator | Prompts for two frequencies to modulate and then outputs the modulated tone |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1030 | MF Decoder Test Number | MF decoder test. Decodes a ST, STP, ST2P, or ST3P terminated string of MF digits and reads them back to you. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1031 | DTMF Test | Reads back digits entered (press # for readback) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1032 | DTMF Test | Reads back digits entered during dial tone (press # for readback) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1033 | Verification | Answers, plays a DTMF digit, then hangs up |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1035 | CLID Readback | Reads back caller's number and name (this number is separate from our regular ANAC number) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1036 | CLID Readback | Reads back caller's name and number (this number is separate from our regular ANAC number) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1037 | CLID Readback | Reads back caller's number (this number is separate from our regular ANAC number) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1038 | CNAM Readback | Reads back caller's name |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1040 | Echo Test | No instructions; goes straight to echo test |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1050 | Echo Test | Provides instructions on how the echo test works, then goes to echo test |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1060 | The Test Call | Menu options include: 1) Record and playback, use the # key to stop the recording; 2) DTMF testing - Enter a string of DTMF keys and press # to get a read out; 3) Real time Echo test; 4) Playback Music on Hold; 5) Test conference bridge; 6) 0-4Khz audio s |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -107x | Extension Readback | Will read back the number of the extension you dialed |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1090 | Answer Test | Waits for 30 seconds before answering, then answers and hangs up after 3 seconds |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1099 | Answer Test | Immediately answers and hangs up after 3 seconds |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1111 | PhreakNet/BEechwood1 DISA | PhreakNet DISA with dialtone from the "BEechwood1 #1XB". See https://portal.phreaknet.org/directory for a full directory listing. Dial all calls generally as 7 digits, except for 0/11N/N11/650/958/959. Must send valid Caller ID. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1122 | NA Line 1 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1200 | Universal Time & Temperature | Reads back YOUR local time and temperature. Also doubles as an ANAC. Option to retrieve time/temp in any area code. Based on CLID; contact us to equate your C*NET NXX with a PSTN NPA |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1500 | InterLinked Conference | Free enterprise teleconferencing. No ads, no gimmicks, free recording and configurable features. See https://conf.interlinked.us |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1711 | Time & Temperature | This for TTYs/TDDs only. Get your local weather report from your 45-baud teletype! Call this for free via 711! (406) 957-1711. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -1NPA | Time & Temperature | x1+NPA will provide the time and temperature for that area code. Press 1 during the intro to get a readback of the location first; 2 to skip directly to the temperature; 3 to skip directly to the time |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2000 | Time | UTC-0 (Greenwich Mean Time) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2005 | Time | UTC-5 (Eastern Time) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2006 | Time | UTC-6 (Central Time) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2007 | Time | UTC-7 (Mountain Time) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2008 | Time | UTC-8 (Pacific Time) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2009 | Time | UTC-9 (Alaskan Time) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2100 | Same as x2000, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2101 | Same as x2001, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2105 | Same as x2005, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2106 | Same as x2006, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2107 | Same as x2007, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2108 | Same as x2008, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2109 | Same as x2009, Pat Simmons | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2111 | Conference | Official 231 "2111" conference. Currently setup like the original party-line conferences. For even more authentic "party line" conferences, dial 1-231-1111, then dial 355-YXXX where Y is between 3 and 8. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2141 | Fax Machine | Feel free to send me a fax. I read everything I get, and if you leave a callback fax # and I like your fax, I may fax you back. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2200 | Same as x2000, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2201 | Same as x2001, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2205 | Same as x2005, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2206 | Same as x2006, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2207 | Same as x2007, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2208 | Same as x2008, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2209 | Same as x2009, Gordon Gow | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2300 | Same as x2000, Brian Clancy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2301 | Same as x2001, Brian Clancy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2306 | Same as x2006, Brian Clancy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2307 | Same as x2007, Brian Clancy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2308 | Same as x2008, Brian Clancy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2309 | Same as x2009, Brian Clancy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2400 | Time: UTC +0, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2401 | Same as x2001, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2405 | Time: UTC -5, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2406 | Time: UTC -6, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2407 | Time: UTC -7, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2408 | Time: UTC -8, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2409 | Time: UTC -9, John Doyle | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2411 | FREE411 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2543 | 231-CLID: Orange Box | Orange boxes you with your Caller ID. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2600 | Telephreak | Gateway to the Telephreak conference |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2601 | 2600 Hz | Ten minutes of 2600 Hz |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -2626 | CNAM Reverse Lookup | 231-CNAM: PSTN CNAM Lookups. Enter a 10-digit US number and hear the associated CNAM. Rate limited and restricted to verified calls only. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3011 | W1AW CW practice | W1AW practice text, from high speed (40) to low (13) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3012 | NN9U's CW practice tables | Tables of digraphs, trigraphs and common English words taken from NN9U's article in the January 2009 QST |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3021 | CNN "Breaking News" Twitter feed converted | CNN Breaking News in Morse (15/13/10/7 wpm) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3022 | CNN "Breaking News" Twitter feed converted | CNN Breaking News in Morse (25/21/18/13 wpm) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3023 | CNN "Breaking News" Twitter feed converted | CNN Breaking News in Morse (30/25/21 wpm) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3024 | CNN "Breaking News" Twitter feed converted | CNN Breaking News in Morse (40/36/33/30 wpm) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3025 | CNN "Breaking News" Twitter feed converted | CNN Breaking News in Morse (50/47/44/41/38 wpm) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3222 | WABC (x3ABC) | 77 WABC Radio - Where New York comes to talk! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3231 | BBC Radio 1 | BBC Radio 1 is the home of the Official Chart, the Live Lounge and the world's greatest DJs, specialising in modern and current popular music. x3232-x3236 are BBC2-BBC6. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3382 | WETA FM 90.9 (x3ETA) | Classical music for Washington DC and the world. Straight out of Virginia, USA |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3469 | WGNY FM 98.9 (x3GNY) | Fox Oldies 98.9 WGNY - Playing the best from the 50s, 60s and 70s! Classic entertainment. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3500 | Count Down Radio | Featuring Top 100-style count downs from 1955 through 1987 in stereo, non-stop around the clock! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3544 | The UK 1950s Radio Station | A station with the aim to present all styles of music that were about in the 1950s and thus provide a balanced representation of music from this decade. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3550 | 50s All Time Greatest | 50s All Time Greatest Radio is here to bring you the best 50s, 60s. All classic hits, one hit wonders and all those songs you had forgotten about! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3551 | Just Classic Rock | Providing constant Classic Rock entertainment 24/7. Just enjoy. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3554 | Oldies 104 | Evergreens for everybody! Cant get enough of Oldies? Listen to the greatest from the 60s and 70s. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3562 | All 60s All The Time | Best songs of the 60s |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3569 | Beatles Radio | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3627 | North Pole Radio | North Pole Radio is ready for another wonderful holiday season and celebrating it with the best Christmas music. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3653 | Milwaukee Weather (x3MKE) | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3658 | WMKV FM 89.3 (x3MKV) | There’s nothing quite like it anywhere! WMKV Radio is your only home for the mix of standards such as Sinatra and Fitzgerald, plus oldies and Big Band Swing. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3669 | Democracy Now feed | Enter 4D year, 2D month, and 2D day to listen to that day's Democracy Now broadcast. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3677 | NPR News (x3NPR) | This radio station offers programs of the US national public radio network, including "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered". |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3732 | KPFA (x3PFA) | KPFA is a listener-funded talk radio and music radio station located in Berkeley, California, U.S., broadcasting to the San Francisco Bay Area. KPFA airs public news, public affairs, talk, and music programming. It remains the flagship station of the Paci |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3797 | WQXR FM 105.9 (x37XR) | WQXR is New York City’s only classical music radio station, broadcasting live on 105.9 FM. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3865 | WTMJ AM 620 (x3TMJ) | Milwaukee News, Weather, Sports |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -3877 | VPR Jazz24 (x3VPR) | Vermont Public Radio |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4040 | Dial-A-Disc: "Time Out" - Dave Brubeck | Plays the top jazz album of all time, "Time Out" from the Dave Brubeck Quartet (1959) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4050 | Dial-A-Disc: 50s | Your favorite '50s hits! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4060 | Dial-A-Disc: 60s | Your favorite '60s hits! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4070 | Dial-A-Disc: 70s | Your favorite '70s hits! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4080 | Dial-A-Disc: 80s | Your favorite 80s hits! |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4211 | Dial-A-Disc: Christmas | Commercial-free Christmas music |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4311 | Dial-A-Disc: Breaking Up Is Hard On You | Made by the American Comedy Network, Inc., & Bob Rivers Productions in 1984, this song is a parody of the break-up of the Bell System. Sung to the tune of Neil Sedaka's "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do". |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4312 | Dial-A-Disc: All Alone By The Telephone | J. B. Bingham |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4333 | Dial-A-Disc: Crossbar Tandem Remix | feat. Evan Doorbell |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4510 | DTMF Song: Happy Birthday | Alternate versions of this song on x4511 and x4512 |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4513 | DTMF Song: Mary Had A Little Lamb | Alternate versions of this song on x4514 and x4515 |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4516 | DTMF Song: Louie, Louie | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4517 | DTMF Song: Frere Jacques | Alternate versions of this song on x4518 and x4519 |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4521 | DTMF Song: Jingle Bells | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4522 | DTMF Song: Funkytown | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4523 | DTMF Song: London Bridge Is Falling Down | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4524 | DTMF Song: Auld Lang Syne | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -4799 | Dial-A-Disc: Yamaha CVP 201 Demo Music | Plays random selections of demo music from the Yamaha CVP 201 electronic piano (there are 50 total songs). Songs individually available on x4701-x4750. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5101 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Santa Cruz Boardwalk - (831) 425-9473, 2018-06-30, 2:31pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5102 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Main Quad, Stanford University - (650) 853-9280, 2018-07-17, 7:52am |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5103 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Galvez & Serra Mall, Stanford University - (650) 853-9309, 2018-07-29, 8:16am |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5104 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Sproul Plaza, UC-Berkeley - (510) 665-5468, 2018-07-27, 1:26pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5105 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Sproul Plaza, UC-Berkeley - (510) 647-3891, 2018-07-27, 1:30pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5106 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Hertz Hall, UC-Berkeley - (510) 665-9864, 2018-07-27, 3:38pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5107 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Moffitt Library, UC-Berkeley - (510) 486-9048, 2018-07-27, 3:50pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5108 | Bay Area Payphone Message | East Payphone Bank, Downtown Berkeley BART Station - (510) 486-9469, 2018-07-27, 4:17pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5109 | Bay Area Payphone Message | East Payphone Bank, Downtown Berkeley BART Station - (510) 486-9176, 2018-07-27, 4:29pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5110 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Northeast Payphone, Downtown Berkeley BART Station - (510) 486-9484, 2018-07-27, 4:45pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5111 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Inside Paid Concourse, Downtown Berkeley BART Station - (510) 486-9783, 2018-07-27, 4:54pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5112 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Street Level, just outside Downtown Berkeley BART Station - (510) 486-9055, 2018-07-27, 5:03pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5113 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Front of Social Security Office, Allston Way & Harold Way (Downtown Berkeley) - (510) 540-9318, 2018-07-27, 5:15pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5114 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Train Platform, Downtown Berkeley BART Station - (510) 486-9488, 2018-07-27, 6:29pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5115 | Bay Area Payphone Message | BART West Platform, Millbrae Station - (650) 777-9034, 2018-07-27, 7:39pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5116 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Caltrain East Platform, Millbrae Station - (650) 777-9051, 2018-07-27, 7:46pm |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5117 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Palo Alto Transit Center - (650) 853-9306, 2018-08-01, 7:46am |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5118 | Bay Area Payphone Message | Palo Alto Transit Center - (650) 853-9240, 2018-08-01, 7:49am |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5121 | Bay Area Phone Trips #1 | Palo Alto Train Station (DTMF 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5122 | Bay Area Phone Trips #2 | Stanford Main Quad Payphone (DTMF 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5123 | Bay Area Phone Trips #3 | Stanford Galvez Payphone (DTMF 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5124 | Bay Area Phone Trips #4 | SIT Tones & Deposit Prompts (DTMF 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5125 | Bay Area Phone Trips #5 | Toll-Free Fun (DTMF 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5126 | Bay Area Phone Trips #6 | Stanford PBX Overview |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5127 | Bay Area Phone Trips #7 | Sounds of the KZSU 711B SxS Switch (DTMF 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5128 | Turtle Creek, PA EWSD Switch | Recording by Josh Alberts |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5132 | Tandem Stacking Recording | From The NEXT HOPE (2010); courtesy of Phil Lapsley. Original recording by Charlie Pyne and Rick Turner in 1959. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5212 | Young Lust | An audio recording of the operator scene in the 1979 Pink Floyd song "Young Lust" |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5213 | Long Distance Operator — Richie Rich | An audio recording of a hilarious long distance operator scene in the 1980s TV show "Richie Rich" |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5221 | AE 135Hz Ringback | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5222 | Old Mechanical Ringback | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5228 | Dialing Digits | A recording of dialing all ten digits sequentially using a Western Electric 500 telephone with plastic dial; you can hear both the whirring of the dial and the dial pulses in the background |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5229 | WE 500 Ringer | A looped recording of a Western Electric 500 telephone from 1957 ringing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5271 | Morse KOB Feed Recording | A short news item from wire 109 (old folks shouldn't take asprin) and wire 113 (simulated railroad OS report) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5272 | Morse Code sample | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5500 | #1XB Register Sender sample | You can hear the register sender outpulsing and then MF digits in the background |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5510 | Revertive Pulsing sample | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5511 | Revertive Pulse Generator: Panel | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates revertive pulses, simulating Panel pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5512 | Revertive Pulse Generator: Panel | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates revertive pulses, simulating Panel pulsing; "B-side" (adds 5 pulses to 2nd RP digit) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5513 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 1XB | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates revertive pulses, simulating 1XB pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5514 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 1XB | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates revertive pulses, simulating 1XB pulsing; "B-side" (adds 5 pulses to 2nd RP digit) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5515 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 5XB | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates revertive pulses, simulating 5XB pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5516 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 5XB | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates revertive pulses, simulating 5XB pulsing; "B-side" (adds 5 pulses to 2nd RP digit) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5521 | Revertive Pulse Generator: Panel | Same as x5511 but doesn't read back the digits entered before revertive pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5522 | Revertive Pulse Generator: Panel | Same as x5512 but doesn't read back the digits entered before revertive pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5523 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 1XB | Same as x5513 but doesn't read back the digits entered before revertive pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5524 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 1XB | Same as x5514 but doesn't read back the digits entered before revertive pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5525 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 5XB | Same as x5515 but doesn't read back the digits entered before revertive pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5526 | Revertive Pulse Generator: 5XB | Same as x5516 but doesn't read back the digits entered before revertive pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5530 | Dial Pulse Generator | Listen to this extension number being dial pulsed |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5531 | Dial Pulse Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates dial pulses |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5532 | Dial Pulse Generator | Same as x5531 but doesn't read back the digits entered before dial pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5533 | Dial Pulse Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a variable length number and generates dial pulses |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5534 | Dial Pulse Generator | Same as x5533 but doesn't read back the digits entered before dial pulsing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5540 | SF Burst Generator | Listen to the SF outpulser generate SF pulses for this extension number |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5541 | SF Burst Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension and generates SF bursts |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5542 | SF Burst Generator | Same as x5541 but doesn't read back the digits entered before SFing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5543 | SF Burst Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a variable length number and generates SF bursts |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5544 | SF Burst Generator | Same as x5543 but doesn't read back the digits entered before SFing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5550 | MF Tone Generator #1 | Listen to the MF generator generate MF tones for this extension number |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5551 | MF Tone Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit extension to MF |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5552 | MF Tone Generator | Same as x5551 but doesn't read back the digits entered before MFing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5553 | MF Tone Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a variable length number to MF |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5554 | MF Tone Generator | Same as x5553 but doesn't read back the digits entered before MFing |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5555 | MFs Caller ID | Plays back your CLID as MF digits, repeatedly |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5560 | MF Tone Generator #2 | Listen to another MF generator generate MF tones for this extension number |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5701 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2004/05/08 | All 57xx recordings are controllable: press 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, 9 to fast-forward 30 seconds, 0 to restart. Recordings and descriptions courtesy of Joybubbles Archive & TextFiles. |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5702 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2004/05/09 | The Hotel Pool |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5703 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2004/05/17 | The Angel |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5704 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2005/12/04 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5705 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2005/12/24 | Christmas Memories |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5706 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2005/12/28 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5707 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2005/12/31 | The Fairy Dress, the Little Boy and the Old Man, and Walter |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5708 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/01/01 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5709 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/01/08 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5710 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/02/06 | The Jewelry Store and Penelope |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5711 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/03/26 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5712 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/04/04 | Making a Difference in Someone's Life |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5713 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/04/08 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5714 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/04/16 | Christmas in April and Halloween in May |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5715 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/04/23 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5716 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/04/30 | Bumpo |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5717 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/05/06 | Miss Frances |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5718 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/05/14 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5719 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/05/20 | Under the House |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5720 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/05/29 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5721 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/06/05 | Penelope |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5722 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/06/11 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5723 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/06/18 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5724 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/06/26 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5725 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/07/04 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5726 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/07/10 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5727 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/07/16 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5728 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/07/23 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5729 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/07/31 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5730 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/08/07 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5731 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/08/14 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5732 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/08/21 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5733 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/08/28 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5734 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/09/04 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5735 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/09/19 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5736 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/10/02 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5737 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/10/09 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5738 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/10/16 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5739 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/10/24 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5740 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/10/29 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5741 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/11/05 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5742 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/11/12 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5743 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/11/24 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5744 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/11/26 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5745 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/12/08 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5746 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/12/13 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5747 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/12/17 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5748 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2006/12/28 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5749 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/01/06 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5750 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/01/09 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5751 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/01/16 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5752 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/01/21 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5753 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/01/31 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5754 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/02/05 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5755 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/02/12 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5756 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/02/21 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5757 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/02/28 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5758 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/03/06 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5759 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/03/15 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5760 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/03/23 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5761 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/03/30 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5762 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/04/11 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5763 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/04/17 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5764 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/04/23 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5765 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/05/03 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5766 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/05/10 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5767 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/05/13 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5768 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/05/25 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5769 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/06/08 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5770 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/06/12 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5771 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/06/19 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5772 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/07/08 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5773 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/07/15 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5774 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/07/29 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5775 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/08/09 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -5776 | Joybubbles: Stories & Stuff: 2007/08/26 | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -6110 | Addition Math Game | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -6120 | Subtraction Math Game | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -6130 | Multiplication Math Game | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -6140 | Division Math Game | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -6150 | Multiplication Calculator | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -6672 | NORAD Santa Tracker | Use on Christmas Eve to track Santa! 231-NORA(D) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -7653 | Dial the North Pole | Call 231-POLE to hear Santa Claus and his elves! OK 24/7 - someone's always around to chat ;) |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -8463 | Audichron TIME | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -91xx | Cannot Be Completed As Dialed | You are not allowed to dial this range of numbers |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -92xx | Automatic Intercept Service: Not In Service | This block of numbers is not in service |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -93xx | Automatic Intercept Service: Has Been Changed | This block of numbers has been moved to 94xx |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -94xx | Automatic Intercept Service: Is Working | The numbers in this block are working numbers |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -95xx | Not In Service | These numbers are not in service |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9891 | All Circuits Busy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9892 | Facility Trouble | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9893 | Cannot Complete As Dialed | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9894 | Permanent Signal | Crybaby tone |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9895 | Not In Service | This is the Not In Service recording for the BEechwood1 exchange |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9896 | Cannot Be Completed As Dialed | This is the CBCAD recording for the BEechwood1 exchange |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9897 | Permanent Signal | Permanent signal from the North Florida Telephone Company |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9898 | Permanent Signal | This is the permanent signal for the BEechwood1 exchange |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9901 | Switch Info | BEechwood1 Switch Info |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9906 | Milliwatt Synchronizer | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9911 | 911 Is Not Available | This is a 911 intercept instructing callers to dial the operator instead |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9922 | DTMF Test | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9931 | Echo Test | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9932 | Silent Termination | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9933 | "Chicago Style" Test Line | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9941 | Switch Telephone | Switch frame |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9942 | CO Message Line (Answering machine) | Switch frame |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9950 | Business Office | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9955 | 2600 Hz carrier noise | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9957 | ANAC (Jane Barbe) | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9958 | ANAC (Standard) | Can be dialed internally as 958 |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9959 | Ringback | Can be dialed internally as 959 |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9960 | Mechanical Milliwatt | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9970 | Busy | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9971 | Reorder | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9972 | Supervision Test | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9979 | Tone Sweep | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9990 | Ringout (ring, no answer) | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9996 | Loop Around Side A | |
Albert, N. | 1-231 -9997 | Loop Around Side B | |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-232 -0000 | Not a number. See comments ->>> | Museum battery status http://battery.spmh.us |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-232 -0002 | Asterisk Milliwatt | Asterisk Milliwatt |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-232 -9999 | 5XB DISA | List of things to dial is at: https://witch.spmh.us/disa/ |
Stewart, Evan | 1-241 -0000 | primary contact | 9am-9pm eastern time only please |
Stewart, Evan | 1-241 -0002 | milliwatt | |
Stewart, Evan | 1-242 -2000 | Milliwatt | Test number. Future home of step switch DIDs |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-249 -3996 | Office Polycom - Main # | Rings into 349-6000. The Ring Back Tone is an old AE 135Hz recording. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-255 -6584 | SxS Reorder Signal | FrankenSwitch II Reorder (120 IPM) Signal (WE Motor Generator) |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-255 -6588 | SxS Dial Tone | FrankenSwitch II Dial Tone (WE Motor Generator) |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-255 -6599 | SxS Busy Signal | FrankenSwitch II Busy Signal (WE Motor Generator) |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-255 -663x | SxS Direct Dial Extensions | FrankenSwitch II - Extensions 630 - 639 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-255 -666x | SxS Direct Dial Extensions | FrankenSwitch II - Extensions 660 - 669 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-255 -669x | SxS Direct Dial Extensions | FrankenSwitch II - Extensions 690 - 699 |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1000 | Ring my Softphones & Cisco phones | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1001 | Laptop softphone (Zoiper) | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1002 | Mobile softphone (Groundwire) | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1003 | Cisco SPA525G2 | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1004 | Cisco SPA525G2 #2 | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1111 | DISA | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1122 | What is Extra Life? | Extra Life is an initiative of Children's Miracle Network.http://www.extra-life.org/participant/bigfunnygiant |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1211 | Local Time (Eastern) | Voiced by Pat Simmons |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1212 | Local Time (Eastern) | Voiced by Gordon Gow |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1234 | Asterisk Silliness | Just me messing with sounds. Might change at any time. |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1263 | Text to speech Chuck Norris facts | Just messing with text to speech and APIs |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1300 | WJCT 89.9 (NPR affiliate) | Jacksonville, FL |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1301 | WRMI (Radio Miami International) | Miami, FL |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1302 | WRMI Legends | You can make song requests on their website http://wrmilegends.com |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1303 | Music City Magic | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1304 | That Old Time Gospel | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1306 | WBCQ 7.490 | Monticello, ME |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1307 | WBCQ Area 51 | Monticello, ME |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1308 | // aNONradio // | https://anonradio.net |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1309 | tilderadio | https://tilderadio.org |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1310 | SCIFI.radio | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1311 | Radio Dismuke | https://radiodismuke.com |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1312 | Conyers Old Time Radio | https://conyersradio.net |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1411 | 1-800-FREE-411 | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1424 | ComedyCures Laughline | Visit their website for info https://www.comedycures.org/ |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1505 | IVR Adventure Game | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1717 | Current weather conditions | at Jacksonville International Airport (KJAX) |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1718 | Current weather conditions | at Craig Municipal Airport (KCRG) |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1719 | Current weather conditions | at Jacksonville Naval Air Station (KNIP) |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1720 | Current weather conditions | at North Florida Regional Airport (KSGJ) |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -1721 | Current weather conditions | at Flagler Executive Airport (KFIN) |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9931 | Echo Test | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9932 | Silent Termination | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9958 | ANAC | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9960 | Milliwatt test tone | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9970 | Always busy | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9971 | Always reorder | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9990 | Ringout | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9996 | Loop Around Side A | |
Blocker, Matthew | 1-260 -9997 | Loop Around Side B | |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0001 | Welcome | COlonial 3 in Acton, Massachusetts. Note: All 263 and 264 numbers are also directly reachable as sip:26xxxxx@covert.org. Please always send a valid CallerID name and number. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0002 | Milliwatt | Asterisk Playtones(1004). Ten minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0003 | Echo Test | Asterisk |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0004 | Boston Weather | See 263-9362 |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0005 | Precise Time of Day | Asterisk AGI synched to network time. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0008 | Loop-around side A | Loop around, tone side. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0009 | Loop-around side B | Standard loop-around, silent side |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0119 | Telefonzeitansage | Die genaue Zeit. MEZ bzw. MESZ |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0123 | Speaking Clock London Time | AGI using TIM files. They need some trimming to get the cadences right. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0141 | Route-and-Rate | Can only do Name-Place. Enter NPA-NXX. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0145 | Hong Kong Time | Uses classic London Clock. 12 Hour Time. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -0510 | Fröken Ur | Miss Clock in Sweden (90510). Routed via SIP to a Swedish provider. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -1111 | Number please | (Temporarily offline) Operator Ethel Caine will place your call. Speak the entire number including the country code. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2056 | Sean Reed 555 PBX | CNET FX in Omaha, Nebraska. 8a-9p Central only, please. |
Reed, Sean | 1-263 -2056 | L55 PBX Cordboard | Call before 2100 Central time |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2525 | Time of Day (precise) | New Asterisk AGI to give accurate time, synchronized via NTP with the Naval Observatory. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2562 | Blocked Call Treatment | This treats your caller ID info as blocked and demos the treatment. A correct answer WILL call me. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2600 | Ten seconds of 2600 | Playtones(2600) |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2601 | MFer | Just for fun. A burst of 2600, and then echos your digits back as MF. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2663 | My Conference Bridge | Normally no password. If you get asked for a password, in temporary use for a private conference. Call back later. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -2797 | Bryant Pond Visit | Audio track of video shot at Bryant Pond in September 1982. See http://www.covert.org/BryantPond/ |
Covert, John | 1-263 -3278 | Abu Hasan | The classic story of ultimate embarrassment from 1001 Nights (Burton). |
Covert, John | 1-263 -3825 | Long Queue Wait | Allison has some fun |
Covert, John | 1-263 -4726 | ISBN Lookup | Enter an ISBN and get the Title, Author, Publisher, and, if available, the Amazon price. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -4949 | Iron Maiden Demo | 1960s U.S. Military PBXs in Germany. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -5365 | Lenny monitor | Listen in on whoever is talking to Lenny. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -5366 | Lenny | Lenny drives you nuts, if you try to sell him something. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -5433 | The Covert Organization | Same as my PSTN LDN. Reaches me anywhere. #5xb ring. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -5562 | KJMA Guadalupe Radio | San Antonio Catholic Station MP3Player( http://grn-stream-01.miriamtech.net:8000/KJMA897FM.mp3) |
Covert, John | 1-263 -5723 | Kraftwerk: The Telephone Call | MP3 |
Covert, John | 1-263 -5728 | In memory of Alan Kotok | His voicemail message and an excerpt from the Manchicourt Requiem. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -6275 | Happy Birthday Mark | Mark Spencer turned 31 on 8 Apr 2008. The Asterisk Boot Camp in Las Vegas sang Happy Birthday. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -6602 | DTMF Test | Includes 0-9,*,#, and ABCD (hi-group). Reads back whatever is entered after a 2-second timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -7243 | Paging Trunk | Paging speakers on multicast-enabled phones. Say hello, and I might call you back. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -7425 | Rick Astley | Never Gonna Give You Up |
Covert, John | 1-263 -7729 | 263-PRAY | Online Morning and Evening Prayer Conference Call. See http://prayer.covert.org |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9025 | Original DECtalk | This is a real DTC01 driven by a DCL script running on my OpenVMS system. It will read back your caller ID. 141 gets you Name Place. If you do nothing, it will sing New York, New York. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9099 | DECtalk Time and Temp | DTC01 reads time, current temp, and recent stats from my home WX station http://cgi.covert.org/wx |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9287 | WBUR live stream | MP3Player(http://wbur-sc.streamguys.com:80/) |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9298 | Silent Termination | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9362 | Boston WX from NWS | Current conditions and forecast from NWS feed generated by Asterisk with Festival |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9364 | Hyannis WX from NWS | NWS Feed to Asterisk and Festival |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9366 | Manchester NH WX from NWS | NWS Feed to Asterisk and Festival |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9367 | Portsmouth NH WX from NWS | NWS Feed to Asterisk and Festival |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9369 | Worcester MA WX from NWS | NWS Feed to Asterisk and Festival |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9729 | Asterisk PBX access | Goes to my non-CNET IVR. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9766 | Boston Catholic Radio | MP3Player(http://ruby.streamguys.com:8110/wqom.mp3) |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9900 | The Covert Organization | "Official 00" reaches me anywhere. Rings simulated CDO ring. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9935 | Milliwatt | Asterisk Playtones(1004). Ten minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9953 | Echo Test | Asterisk |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9958 | Caller Name and Number | Asterisk Festival |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9959 | Permanent busy | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9960 | Ring no answer | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9961 | Ring no answer 440+495 | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9962 | Ring no answer (5xbring) | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9963 | Ring no answer (cdoring) | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9964 | Ring no answer (ukring) | Asterisk. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9983 | Asterisk Version | Plays the currently running Asterisk Version to you. Non-sup. |
Covert, John | 1-263 -9991 | Guaranteed vacant | Asterisk |
Covert, John | 1-264 -0001 | Welcome | COlonial 4 (Acton) All 264 numbers are the Asterisk PBX in my Laptop. Tandems through COlonial 3 with simulated panel pulsing of the last four digits. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -0002 | Milliwatt | Asterisk laptop Playtones(1004). Ten minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -0003 | Echo Test | Asterisk laptop. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -2525 | Time of day | Asterisk laptop. Includes announcement of current laptop timezone. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -8673 | Tore Sinding Bekkedal | Remote SIP connection to Tore |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9298 | Silent termination | Asterisk laptop. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9900 | Ring laptop and me. | "Official 00" reaches me anywhere. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9901 | Ring laptop softphone | Asterisk sjphone softphone only. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9935 | Milliwatt | Asterisk laptop Playtones(1004). Ten minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9953 | Echo Test | Asterisk laptop. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9958 | Caller Name and Number | Asterisk laptop MacInTalk. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9959 | Permanent busy | Asterisk laptop. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9960 | Ring no answer | Asterisk laptop. Two minute timeout. |
Covert, John | 1-264 -9983 | Asterisk Version | Plays the currently running Asterisk version to you. Non-sup. |
Antonelli, Chaz | 1-266 -8000 | FXS Line 01 | |
Antonelli, Chaz | 1-266 -8001 | FXS Line 02 | |
Antonelli, Chaz | 1-266 -8002 | Softphone 01 | |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2301 | CHATHAM TELEPHONE Co. EHTNCT02 | Switchroom |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2313 | Residence | 9a-9p please |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2319 | ANI-D bay craft phone | Located at ANI-D supplemental bay |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2321 | 608A/740E trunk | 2-way 65657-01 CO trunk no answer unless switchboard attended |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2333 | Guest house | |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2350 | Garage - car park | |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2360 | Shed | |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2380 | Loop Check Generator | 98100 test line to 24B sweep gen 1k-3kHz SD-99707-01 |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2381 | Milliwatt Test Line | 98100 test line to 1000 cycle 1 mW oscillator SD-95277-01 |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2382 | Jack Ended test trunk | terminates connector terminal to test jack SD98100-01 J94004W-1 |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2392 | LA TST LN port 1 | connector terminal 267-2392 Loop around test line port 1 WE SD98100-01 J94004AC-1 associated 60A controller bypassed |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -2393 | LA TST LN port 2 | connector terminal 267-2393 Loop around test line port 2 |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -9921 | 755A sta 21 | DID to 755A PBX station #21 (last two digits DP in to 755A) |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -9931 | 755A sta 31 | DID to 755A PBX station #31 (last two digits DP in to 755A) |
Walsh, Rick | 1-267 -9950 | AUTOVON | D4 4EM to 255A KTU to 4-wire telephone set (no RBT as of yet) |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -0001 | Welcome | |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -0002 | Office Milliwatt | Code 100 Test Line |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -1212 | Weather | This will give a live weather feed from two sites within about 30 miles of switch |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -2525 | Local Time | Slighty off from local as I am not sure how to set. |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -3364 | Cordless Station | |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -3365 | Basement | A 2500 set fed from a port on the MCS 3810 |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -4625 | Second Line on 841 | Spells Hock and is the second line on the Sipura 841 in the switch room. |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -4996 | Office Milliwatt | Code 100 Test Line |
Hock, Dennis | 1-269 -4998 | Switch Room | Located in basement terminated on Sipura 841 set. Not always able to hear it ring. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -4000 | Main number | Radio Scrap Cordless. Hours weekday, 5:30PM-10PM, weekend 8AM-10PM. Email to arrange call outside those hours. Same for all numbers unless listed 24/7. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -4003 | AE40 Monophone | Hooked to Linksys PAP2, rings phone at 54hz with 120V ring voltage and 54 for ring frequency. Does not understand pulse, looking for converter. Time conditions in effect. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -4004 | NTT Phone | Northern Telecom POTS phone in basement. Time conditions in effect. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -4100 | Caller ID | 24/7: Reads back your caller ID as received. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -4101 | Time | 24/7: reads back Unix time at my Asterisk tandem. Tandem uses NTP and I am in Eastern (Ohio) |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -411X | Busy | 24/7: all numbers in this range ring busy. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -412X | Congestion | 24/7: numbers in this range return congestion. |
Coffey, Frederick | 1-270 -4130 | Sounds of Silence | 24/7: Answers, waits 60 seconds, then rudely hangs up on you. |
Lawson, Bryce | 1-273 -2214 | Fax | Faxing powered by a Gateway 336c running Windows 95. Feel free to send a fax or leave a message. |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-275 -4100 | Switchboard | Step by Step office. |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-275 -4123 | DTMF trimline | Step by Step office. |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-275 -4140 | party line phone 1 | Step by Step office. |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1000 | FXS01 | |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1001 | FXS02 (Main Contact) | NPSTN at 785-1001 |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1111 | NPSTN DISA (9+NPSTN 8+CNET 5+LAST 4 OF 785 EXTEN | |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1822 | Always Ringback | |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1823 | Always Reorder | |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1824 | Always Reorder | |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1825 | MW Tone | |
Sasongko, Ramadya | 1-278 -1826 | Echo Test | |
Heimer, Dave | 1-279 -2258 | Panasonic PBX | Rings all phones through Panasonic Easa-Phone KX-T123211D PBX |
Heimer, Dave | 1-279 -2275 | Main Number 555 Switchboard trunk | Rings all phones through Panasonic Easa-Phone KX-T123211D PBX, Cellar WE 555 switctboard |
Heimer, Dave | 1-279 -3188 | 555 Switchboard trunk | Cellar, also rings all phones through Panasonic Easa-Phone KX-T123211D PBX |
Heimer, Dave | 1-279 -5705 | Test #, switch info & voicemail | Answering machine through Adtran 750 channel bank. |
Heimer, Dave | 1-279 -5706 | 5707. 5708, 5709 WE 1A2 KTS | Through Adtran 750 channel bank, Ring phones in cellar only |
Heimer, Dave | 1-279 -5710 | 5711, 5712 WE 1A1 KTS | Through Adtran 750 channel bank. Rings phones in cellar only |
Sichert, John | 1-289 -9644 | 6A Dial Tone | Cisco 2651 FXO Port |
Sichert, John | 1-289 -9900 | Line 4 on my 1A2 key system | Cisco 2651 FXS Port |
Stanford, Charles | 1-320 -1000 | Operator | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3000 | Compuserv Customer Support | answers 24x7 - http://compuserv.org/ |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3001 | Kmart | 1988 Kmart Reel to Reel |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3099 | Phone Losers of America IVR | PLA Menu/Recordings 24x7 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3112 | Rick Sanchez | Call 24x7 - Rick is standing by! |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3200 | Office/Desk | Feel free to call 24x7, if I'm available, I'll pickup |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3201 | Deskphone | Polycom SoundPoint 550 - Line 1 (24x7) |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3202 | Deskphone | Polycom SoundPoint 550 - Line 2 (24x7) |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3203 | Deskphone | Polycom SoundPoint 550 - Line 3 (24x7) |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3204 | Deskphone | Polycom SoundPoint 550 - Line 4 (24x7) |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3425 | 320-DIAL | Analog Waffle BBS - (329)-DIAL telnet://waffle.c4bmore.com:2001 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3526 | Elcotel PCM5 PayPhone | 320 ELCO - Located in my office, feel free to call 24x7 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3845 | 976-EVIL | The trailer for the 1988 horror movie - 976-EVIL |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3901 | 976-TEEN add | This is a television ad for 976-TEEN |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3902 | 976-0690 | This is a television ad for the party line 976-0690 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3903 | 976-2111 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3904 | 976-2233 ad | This is a television ad for Knight Rider/Kitt 976-2233 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3906 | 976-2300 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3906 | 97M-ATCH ad | 97MATCH! |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3907 | 976-DATE | This is a television ad for 976-DATE |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3908 | 976-EVIL | Television ad for the movie 976-EVIL |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3910 | 976-4500 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3911 | 976-5000 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3912 | Corey Hotline | This is a 900 number television ad for Corey Feldman & Corey Haim |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3913 | 976-3333 ad | Mrs. Claus 976 Ad 976-3333 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3914 | 976-GABB ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3915 | 976-GUTS ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3916 | 976-PALS ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3917 | 976-PARTY ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3918 | 976-SILK ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3919 | 976-PSYC ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3920 | 976-7777 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3921 | 976-7979 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3922 | 976-TALK ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3923 | 976-TLUV ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3924 | 976-8881 ad | This is a television ad for the party line 976-8881 |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3925 | 976-8585 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3926 | 976-9CRY | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3927 | 976-WAKE ad | Wake up! |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3928 | 976-9090 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3929 | 976-7711 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3930 | 976-3800 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3931 | 976-7666 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3932 | 976-HITS ad | Phone Trivia Music Hot-Line |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3933 | 976-2345 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3934 | 976-EASY ad | 8 people party chat line |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3935 | 976-2227 ad | Call Marilyn Chambers for advice |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3936 | 976-3838 ad | Functional Dial-a-joke that is updated daily! Followed by 976-3838 ad |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3937 | 976-2900 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3938 | 976-6800 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3939 | 976-1313 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3940 | 976-OPAL ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3941 | 976-9494 ad | |
Crackers, Beckley | 1-320 -3943 | 976-9000 ad | |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0000 | Office Phone | (9am-10pm PST) Arroyo Grande, California |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0002 | Milliwatt Tone | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0003 | Echo Test | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0005 | Caller ID Readback | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0007 | Asterisk 3 tone test - 10 second steps | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0008 | Asterisk 3 tone test - 2 second steps | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0010 | Local Time | (7x24) Pacific Time Zone |
See, Gary | 1-321 -0011 | Local Date-Time | (7x24) Pacific Time Zone |
See, Gary | 1-321 -1112 | Music On Hold | (7x24) Beware - boring music |
See, Gary | 1-321 -1212 | Local Time | (7x24) Pacific Time Zone |
See, Gary | 1-321 -2663 | Meet Me Conference | (7x24) Feel free to play but remember there is no privacy ! ! ! |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9500 | Step-By-Step Switch Dial Tone | (7x24) Dial Tone on home-built Step-by-Step switch -- dial any 3 digit extension of those shown below for 530 to 539. Other extensions OK but will give reorder fast busy. |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9530 | Switch Room 500 Set via SxS | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9531 | "Ring - No Answer" via SxS | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9532 | "Busy" via SxS | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9533 | Future TBD | Test - loopback |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9534 | Exterior Bell via SxS (out of service) | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9535 | Bell System "Chime" via SxS | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9536 | WE 551A Cord Board via SxS | (9am-10pm PST) Night Mode Extension on Cord Board |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9537 | Future TBD | |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9538 | 1A2 Key System Line 1 via SxS | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9539 | 1A2 Key System Line 2 via SxS | (7x24) |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9602 | Switch-room LISTEN-IN AUTO-ANSWER | (7x24) AUTO-ANSWER LISTEN-IN to Switch-room equipment and bells |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9900 | Office Phone | (9am-10pm PST) Arroyo Grande, California |
See, Gary | 1-321 -9903 | Workshop Phone | (9am-10pm PST) Arroyo Grande, California |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -2200 | CO Switch | 1000 Cycle Tone |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -2290 | CO Switch | Coin Phone |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -3314 | 701 PBX | Living Room,Kitchen & Switch Room |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -3315 | 701 PBX | Living Room,ComputerPhone & Switch Room |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4438 | CO Switch | 4401 _ 4438 Intercept Trunk Recording |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4444 | CO Switch | Living Room,Kitchen& Switch Room |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4445 | CO Switch | Living Room,Kitchen & Switch Room |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4476 | CO Switch | Ring Back Tone |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4481 | 552 PBX Switchboard | Dining Room Switchboard |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4482 | 552 PBX Switchboard | Dining Room, Switchboard |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4483 | 552 PBX Switchboard | Dining Room, Switchboard |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4484 | 552 PBX Switchboard | Dining Room, Switchboard |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -4496 | CO Switch | Busy Tone |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -5500 | 701 PBX | Bust Tone |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -5504 | 701 PBX | Switch Room Phone |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -633 | Code 1________0 | Party Line Connector |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -634 | Code 1_______0 | Party Line Connector |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -7716 | 740 PBX | Living Room,Kitchen& Switch Room |
Smith, Gilbert | 1-322 -7725 | 740 PBX | Living Room,Kitchen& Switch Room |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0000 | Test Announcement & Network Information | Test announcement to serve as 1) confirmation of connectivity to the switch, and 2) a brief description of the network. (same as 1-325-0000) |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0020 | Milliwatt Test | Does not supe |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0021 | Echo Test | Supes, immediately drops into test w/o announcement |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0022 | ANAC | Supes, uses Festival to read back the CID name, and Asterisk's SayDigits() to read back the CID number. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0023 | Music-On-Hold | Supes, Music-On-Hold (MOH) set to play songs randomly. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0024 | 1997 Magic On Hold | Feel free to transfer junk calls here. It is an endless loop of the infamous "1997 Magic On Hold" recording. It is so terrible it's great. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0111 | Capital Public Radio Stream | Supes, uses the Asterisk MP3Player() application to play the Sacramento region's NPR affiliate (KXJZ/KKTO/KUOP/KQNC) live stream. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0921 | 5ESS CBCAD | "Your call cannot be completed as dialed" intercept from my local exchange's 5ESS. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0922 | You must dial a 1 or 0 | "You must first dial a 1 or 0 when calling this number" intercept from my local exchange's 5ESS. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0923 | Disconnected Number | "You have reached a number that has been disconnected" intercept from my local exchange's 5ESS. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0924 | Custom Calling Service Is Working | "Your custom calling service is working. However, this feature cannot be used with the number you are trying to reach. Please consult your written instruction guide for service limitations." intercept from my local exchange's 5ESS. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0925 | Due to heavy calling | "We're Sorry. Due to heavy calling, we cannot complete your call at this time. Will you please hang up and try your call again later." intercept from my local exchange's 5ESS |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -0991 | Hang up and dial again | "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and dial again. If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator." intercept from Albuquerque by "Weird Al" Yankovic. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -1000 | Evan Doorbell Production Tapes IVR | Main menu and information about the Evan Doorbell Production Tapes. Recordings can be dialed directly from 1001-1116, 2001-2142, 3001-3006. More info here: https://vofr.net/doorbell/ |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -1067 | Evan Doorbell Production Tape | Outtakes In Context 1 (Runtime - 21:36) |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -2663 | 1-324-CONF | Ringout Conf Bridge | Supes, emulated ringout conference bridge. Rings out until a second caller joins the conference. Free for all to use, but with the obligatory privacy cannot be guaranteed disclaimer. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -4318 | Fax - Canon MX870 MFP | Feel free to send me a fax any time. I just ask you not go crazy as this is a real MFP that uses real ink and real paper. :-) |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -5990 | Test Announcement | Test announcement on BCM50 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -5998 | MeetMe Conferencing Service | When prompted, use bridge number 5511. | MeetMe Conferencing Service on the Nortel Business Communications Manager (BCM) 50. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-324 -6990 | Test Announcement | Test announcement via TCL script on a Cisco ISR 2851 used as a TDM tandem switch. |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0000 | Test Announcement & Network Information | Test announcement to serve as 1) confirmation of connectivity to the switch, and 2) a brief description of the network. (same as 1-324-0000) |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0020 | Albuquerque 4ESS ACB | "All circuits at the location you are calling are busy now. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0021 | Albuquerque 4ESS Network Access Unauthorized | "Your access to this long distance provider's network is not authorized. Please call 1-800-645-0005." Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0022 | Albuquerque 4ESS Earthquake | "Due to the earthquake in the area you are calling, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please try your call later. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0023 | Albuquerque 4ESS Hurricane | "Due to the hurricane in the area you are calling, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please try your call later. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0024 | Albuquerque 4ESS Local Telco Trouble | "Due to local telephone company trouble in the area you are calling, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please try your call later. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0025 | Albuquerque 4ESS Valid Code | "You have not entered a valid code. Please hang up and dial again. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0026 | Albuquerque 4ESS Party Not Answering | "Your party is not answering. Please try your call later. We're sorry, but your call will now be disconnected." Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0027 | Albuquerque 4ESS Telco Facility Trouble | "Due to telephone company facility trouble in the area you are calling, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please try your call later. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0028 | Albuquerque 4ESS YCDNGT | "Your call did not go through. Please try your call again. 002T" Intercept from ALBQNMMA02T 4ESS recorded 06/06/2019 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0850 | Stockton 4ESS CBCAD | "Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again. 085T." Intercept from SKTNCA0107T 4ESS recorded 06/04/19 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0851 | Stockton 4ESS Not Available From Calling Area | "You have dialed a number that is not available from your calling area. 085T" Intercept from SKTNCA0107T 4ESS recorded 06/04/19 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -0852 | Stockton 4ESS YCDNGT | "Your call did not go through. Please try your call again. 085T" Intercept from SKTNCA0107T 4ESS recorded 06/04/19 |
Hoppe, Anthony | 1-325 -9102 | Paul Fassbender | Hosted subscriber located in Eastern timezone. |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-327 -1327 | Switch Information | # 3XB: Short, local recording ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-327 -2210 | Ring No Answer | # 3XB ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-327 -4321 | Vacant number intercept (broken) | # 3XB ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-327 -9924 | Milliwatt line | # 3XB ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-327 -9926 | Permanent Busy | # 3XB ( July-Sept+) |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5592 | Peter Simpson | Peter Simpson, hosted by Ch. Lauter |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5593 | Peter Simpson | Peter Simpson, hosted by Ch. Lauter |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5700 | Operator line | Asterisk operator console. If I hear it ringing and you can convince me to pay for it, I can cut you through to PSTN. No calls after 9PM Alaska time please. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5701 | Fax line | Asterisk based fax machine. I'll get your faxes through email. Should accept T.38 and a/ulaw faxes. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5773 | Main phone in living room | Goes onto phone in my living room. Good to call 10AM through 09PM Alaska time. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5790 | Gateway | CNET-to-CNET gateway. At dialtone, dial 1 + Office Code + Line or 011 + CC + number. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5791 | Talking clock | Asterisk based talking clock. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5793 | Busy Line | Busy Line. You get inband busy followed by signaling (ISDN Cause 17). |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5794 | Level measurement | Level measurement line. See https://www.christoph-lauter.org/level/ for detailed instructions. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5795 | European Milliwatt | European-style Milliwatt, 800Hz, 0dBm |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5796 | Ringback | Automated ringback. Calls back your CLI that must be CC + Area Code + Number. Callers with a CLI that the ringback service has called back successfully at least once are given additional options, such as ringing back another CNET line. |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5797 | Echo Test | Asterisk Echo Test |
Lauter, Christoph | 1-328 -5798 | Milliwatt | CCITT G.711 ulaw Milliwatt, 1KHz, 0dBm. If you reach my server with a codec other than ulaw, you get 1kHz but at the level implied by transcoding. |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1000 | MilliWatt 1004Hz @ 0dB | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1001 | Date and Time (UTC) | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1002 | Lin Sine Sweep from 16Hz to 20kHz | Please mind your ears |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1003 | Exp Sine Sweep from 16Hz to 20kHz | Please mind your ears |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1005 | Echo Latency Test | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1006 | CQ Serenade | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1026 | 2600Hz @ 0dB | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1030 | Music on Hold | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1060 | FOX Generator | 1066-1071 are 5WPM to 20WPM |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1075 | VOX Generator | |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1090 | ANAC | Pat Fleet |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1100 | SDF Subscriber Lines | 1100-1599 are reserved for SDF Member Subscriber Lines. Its best not to call these unsolicited. |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1990 | WE 50AL 2A Candlestick | 10AM-8PM PST8PDT OK |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1991 | WE 202 2AE Dial | 10AM-8PM PST8PDT OK |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1992 | WE 653 4H Dial | 10AM-8PM PST8PDT OK |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1993 | WE 302 5H Dial | 10AM-8PM PST8PDT OK |
Jones, Stephen | 1-333 -1999 | Pat Fleet | |
Levenson, Dave | 1-333 -8000 | Dave Levenson | Dulcimer Dave |
Levenson, Dave | 1-333 -8100 | Captain Crunch, Ballad | The Ballad of Captain Crunch: A recitation by Mike Agranoff |
Levenson, Dave | 1-333 -8101 | Southwind | Music on hold (a traditional tune on dulcimer) |
Levenson, Dave | 1-333 -8102 | Rosin the Beau | Music on hold (a traditional tune on dulcimer) |
Levenson, Dave | 1-333 -8244 | Conference | Free Asterisk conference bridge. |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -2910 | Ring No Answer | CX-100 ( June-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -4321 | Vacant number intercept | CX-100 ( June-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -9911 | Island Telephone Co. Business Office | Island Telephone Co. (when staffed) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -9919 | Permanent Busy | CX-100: very loud and distorted ( June-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -9931 | Island Telephone Co. Repair Service | Island Telephone Co. (when staffed) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -9941 | Island Telephone Co. Central Office | Island Telephone Co. (when occupied) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -9950 | Webber, Jeff (retired) | Island Telephone Co. (Out of Service) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-334 -9980 | Milliwatt line | CX-100 ( June-Sept+) |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1000 | Switch Info | 24/7 - Time/Date, Basic info |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1001 | Echo Test | 24/7 - Asterisk Echo() |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1004 | Milliwatt | 24/7 - Milliwatt Test Tone |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1010 | Revertive Pulse, Panel | Will simulate revertive pulsing of your last 4 digits as a panel office would. |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1011 | Revertive Pulse, 1XB | Will simulate revertive pulsing of your last 4 digits as a #1 Crossbar office would. |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1012 | Revertive Pulse, 5XB | Will simulate revertive pulsing of your last 4 digits as a #5 Crossbar office would. |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1101 | RMAC, Diversi-Dial #34 | 24/7 - DATA ONLY - 300 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity. This is a recreation of the original RMAC D-Dial that served the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex from approximately 1985-1989. Alternative connection method: telnet rmac.d-dial.com |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1140 | GBBS Pro | 24/7 - DATA ONLY - 9600 HST, 8n1, GBBS Pro, Apple IIgs |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1337 | Justin Scott | 24/7 - Desk Phone Line - (Busy if I don't want calls and not answered if I'm not available.) |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1611 | Repair Service | 24/7 - FEderal Repair (humor) |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1970 | Evan Doorbell | 24/7 - Evan Doorbell, excerpt from "Network Sounds of the 70's, part 1" - A call to a connector group where all lines are busy. |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1980 | 5XB Busy | 24/7 - #5 Crossbar Busy |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1981 | City Busy | 24/7 - City Busy |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1982 | CDO Busy | 24/7 - CDO Busy |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1983 | ESS Busy | 24/7 - ESS Busy |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1984 | AE Busy | 24/7 - Automatic Electric Busy |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1985 | Flashing City Busy | 24/7 - City Busy, Flashing Supervision |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1989 | "Crybaby" Intercept | 24/7 - "Crybaby" Intercept Tone |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1990 | 5XB Ring | 24/7 - #5 Crossbar Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1991 | City Ring | 24/7 - City Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1992 | CDO Ring | 24/7 - CDO Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1993 | ESS Ring | 24/7 - ESS Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1994 | AE Ring | 24/7 - Automatic Electric Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1995 | Older 5XB Ring | 24/7 - An older example of #5 Crossbar Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1996 | Older 5XB Ring #2 | 24/7 - Another older example of #5 Crossbar Ring |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1997 | City Ring (Panel) | 24/7 - City Ring on a noisy Panel switch |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1998 | C*Net DISA | 24/7 - C*Net DISA (Please send CallerID) 1NNXXXXX == North America, 011 + Country Code + Number == International |
Scott, Justin | 1-337 -1999 | ANAC | 24/7 - ANAC/CallerID Readback |
Alberts, Josh | 1-337 -7760 | Recording | Spare Channel 4 |
Alberts, Josh | 1-337 -7761 | Recording | RA4 Channel 2 |
Alberts, Josh | 1-337 -7762 | Recording | Ajax Liquor Store - Hudson & Landry |
Alberts, Josh | 1-337 -7763 | Recording | Radio Moscow |
Alberts, Josh | 1-337 -7769 | Recording | Mental Health Hotline |
Alberts, Josh | 1-337 -7777 | Main Number | Step Switch if it's on, Linksys ATA if it's not. |
Van Kley, Nikolaas | 1-337 -8115 | EDison-7 8115 | Line 3 on my 1A2. This is the number to reach me, (9AM - 9PM CST please!) I love to talk about telephones, switches, and anything to do with the old network. Feel free to give me a call! |
MOLTER, JOSEPH | 1-337 -8120 | Telephone | |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-338 -6090 | 7A Intercept machine | # 5XB ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-338 -6511 | Switch Information | # 5XB: Short, local recording ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-338 -9971 | Milliwatt (Loop A) | # 5XB ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-338 -9972 | Quiet termination (Loop B) | # 5XB ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-338 -9991 | Permanent Busy | # 5XB ( July-Sept+) |
Young, Shane | 1-346 -7500 | Wawina Time and Temperature (ATIS) | |
Young, Shane | 1-346 -7501 | Alarm Check Number | |
Young, Shane | 1-346 -7540 | Wawina Central Office | |
Young, Shane | 1-346 -7599 | Busy | |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -0001 | Switch Information | This is what I have connected to CNET |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -0002 | Milliwatt | |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -0003 | Asterisk 3 tone test | |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -0411 | Tell Me Directory Information | TellMe (powered by Bing) from Microsoft. You can get directory assistance, weather, sports, etc. Try it out! |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -0911 | E-911 Services | OK to call 24/7 - Give us a shout. Really - no police cruiser shows up to your house or mine. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1010 | WINS 1010 News Radio | WINS 1010 New York News Radio 24x7 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1020 | Smotth Jazz | Smooth Jazz2 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1030 | WLIR Radio | WLIR - Predates SiriusXM First Wave |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1040 | Rock-n-Roll | Listen to some streamed rock from the Net. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1050 | Studio 54 Disco | Streaming Disco - Studio 54 Style |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1060 | KYW 1060 News Radio | KYW 1060 Philly News Radio 24x7 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1070 | KNX 1070 News Radio | KNX 1070 LA News Radio 24x7 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1080 | Allentown Air Traffic Control | Live feed for Allentown TRACON Approach/Departure/Tower. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1085 | WPXN Philly | Good tunes, lots of Indie |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1515 | Streaming Jazz | Smooth Jazz stream. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -1699 | Personal Weather Station | Via the Wunderground API, I can dial up the weather at my home from my Ambient Weather WS2000 Personal Weather Station. Thank you Anthony Hoppe for your help. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2333 | Switch Room | Switch Room 1A2 Key Phone - Intercept recording after 2100 Eastern (-5 UTC) |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2525 | Local Time | |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2600 | 2600Hz Wink | |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2622 | Visual/Audible ANAC | DTMF Playback of your CallerID followed by an audible readback. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2684 | Siri COVID19 Help | Rated R. Funny clip. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2748 | Brit Public School IVR | Funny Auto Attendant for British Public Schools. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2850 | #5 XBAR Office | Recording from a #5 Crossbar Central Office |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2851 | SxS Office Recording | Recording from a Strowger SxS Central Office |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2852 | AE 135Hz Ring Back Tone | AE 135Hz RBT |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -2856 | The BS Button | Go ahead, press it... |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -3286 | The Faukin Islands | Hilarious recording of comedian Steve Rizzo... |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -3826 | Ode to my Ex-Wife | |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5223 | Aviation ATIS - KABE | Aviation Arrival Weather Briefing (ATIS) for Allentown, PA. 349-KABE. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5267 | Aviation ATIS - KBOS | Aviation Departure Weather Briefing (ATIS) for Boston, MA. 349-KBOS. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5272 | Aviation ATIS - KAPA | Aviation Arrival Weather Briefing (ATIS) for Englewood, CO. 349-KAPA. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5355 | Aviation ASOS - KFLL | Aviation Arrival Weather Observation (ASOS) for Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 349-KFLL. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5476 | Aviation ATIS - KHPN | Aviation Arrival Weather Briefing (ATIS) for White Plains, NY. 349-KHPN. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5529 | Aviation ATIS - KLAX | Aviation Arrival Weather Briefing (ATIS) for Los Angeles, CA. 349-KLAX. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5535 | Aviation ATIS - KJFK | Aviation Arrival Weather Briefing (ATIS) for JFK, NY. 349-KJFK. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5555 | General Information | OK to call 24/7 |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -5673 | Aviation ATIS - KORD | Aviation Arrival Weather Briefing (ATIS) for Chicago, O'Hare. 349-KORD. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -6000 | Office Polycom - Main Phone | Please limit calls to 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -6363 | 349-MFMF Dynamic Multi Frequency | Dynamic MF tones based on your Caller ID. Will generate KP + YOUR CLID + ST. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -6461 | Dynamic RP Simulator - #1 XB | Using the Revertive Pulse simulator AGI, I pulse out the last 4 digits of your Caller ID, simulated for a #1 Crossbar switch. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -6463 | Dynamic RP Simulator - Panel | Using the Revertive Pulse simulator AGI, I pulse out the last 4 digits of your Caller ID, simulated for a Panel switch. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -6465 | Dynamic RP Simulator - #5 XB | Using the Revertive Pulse simulator AGI, I pulse out the last 4 digits of your Caller ID, simulated for a #5 Crossbar switch. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -6755 | Step Switch Dial Seq | A step switch (not mine) dialing 555-6755. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -8888 | Telephone Reminders | Dial 349-8888 and follow the prompts to schedule a telephone reminder to your phone. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9940 | Its Lenny | A great interactive place to send those annoying telemarketers |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9950 | Mental Health Hotline | Follow the instructions carefully! |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9958 | Caller ID Readback | Whatever your CLID, it will be read back to you. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9966 | Ring Back Service | Dial this number and 10 seconds later your phone will be ringing. Great for testing. You will hear a simple confirmation tone and then the connection will hang up. Only for CNET callers. Must have valid CallerID. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9980 | Mama Told Me Not To MF | Remix of the Three Dog Night song "Mama Told Me Not To Come" to Toll MF tones. Nicely done tune. |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9981 | Taliban HQ | Taliban HQ |
Spenadel, Lee | 1-349 -9982 | Taliban On Broadway | A funny recording. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0001 | Welcome message | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0002 | Milliwatt | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0004 | Echo test | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0005 | Sounds of the Step Switch | OK 24/7. Recording of a call made on the switch. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0011 | Silly IVR Prompt | Welcome to "Lapin Communications" |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0015 | British Intercept #1 | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0016 | British Intercept #2 | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0017 | Old British Telephone Song | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -0018 | Hyacinth Bucket | OK to call 24/7, various Hyacinth recordings available on 0021 through 0027, also on 833 exchange. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -1234 | Laptop | Registered soft phone client when online on laptop |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -2525 | BT&T Time (ET) | Local time, OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3207 | 555 Switchboard | Trunk #1 on my 555 switchboard. Board is mostly unattended so prearrange a call if you want to talk through the board. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3209 | 506A Switchboard | Trunk #1 506A switchboard |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3212 | Computer room phone | Computer Desk 1A2 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3214 | Busy Signal | 24/7 test number, permanently busy station |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3222 | Basement Wire Center | Rings on SC 1800 key set |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3223 | Desk WE 460 set | |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3245 | Ringback | 24/7 Test number |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3251 | Merlin Line 1 | Merlin 410 Key System |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3252 | Merlin Line 2 | Merlin 410 Key System |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3255 | Switch frame phone | WE 211 Spacesaver set |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3271 | 505 Cordless Swbd Line 1 | 505C Cordless Switchboard |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3272 | 505 Cordless Swbd Line 2 | 505C Cordless Switchboard |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3277 | SC 121 Line #1 | Stromberg-Carlson SC 121 cordless swbd |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3278 | SC 121 Line #2 | Stromberg-Carlson 121 cordless swbd |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3286 | ComKey 416 Line 1 | |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3287 | ComKey 416 Line 2 | |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -34XX | No such level | No such level/all circuits busy. OK 24/7. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3514 | Busy | 24/7 Test number, same as 366-3214 on a different selector level with more hunt noise |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -3545 | Ringback | 24/7 Test number, same as 366-3245 on a different selector level with more hunt noise |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8111 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "All ckts are busy" |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8112 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "Your call cannot be completed as dialed ... or call your attendant" |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8113 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "Your call did not go through." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8114 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "Due to telco facility trouble ..." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8115 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "Your call cannot be completed as dialed ... call the business office" |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8116 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "We're sorry, a LD access code is required ..." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8117 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "All LD Co circuits are busy ..." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8118 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "You have dialed a number that cannot be reached ..." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8119 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up ..." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8120 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "The number you are trying to call cannot be reached by this method ... " |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -8121 | Intercept | 24/7. Telco intercept message, "Your call cannot be completed from the phone you are using ..." |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9001 | Kresge Store Music | OK 24/7. Recordings played in SS Kresge stores (forerunner of KMart) in the 50s and 60s, found on a web site somewhere. Also others on 9002-9006. Maybe more to come. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9900 | Voice Mail | |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9955 | Organ - "Ich ruf zu dir" | Allen Quantum digital organ, yrs truly at the console, OK 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9956 | Organ - "Lo He Comes" | Allen Quantum digital organ, yrs truly at the console, OK 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9957 | Organ - "Ein feste burg" | My Schlicker pipe organ, OK 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9958 | Organ - "Liebster Jesu" | Yrs truly at console of third largest pipe organ in NY State, OK 24/7. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-366 -9959 | Organ - "Lo He Comes" | Yrs truly at console of third largest pipe organ in NY State, OK 24/7. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-367 -1000 | Asterisk 1K tone | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-367 -1111 | Almost Electric sxs | 24 x 7 Under construction |
McCarter, Phil | 1-367 -2525 | Asterisk Time Of Day. | 24 x 7 West coast time. |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-372 -8000 | Lenny lives here... | 24/7 - Talk with Lenny a while (Lenny Records, but it s not an interception under MD Law) |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-372 -8098 | 2 Be Available soon | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-372 -8854 | Recording from 1974 | (24/7) Andrew Gemeny will answer and tell you a bit about himself. |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -30xx | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK Reorder. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -31xx | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK Dead Level Intercept. Shop-built digital intercept recorder using ISD "Chipcorder" technology, voice of Mark Mullins who saved some parts out of the last active S-C XY in Boles Arkansas. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3311 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK permanent line busy. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3701 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK Silent Term. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3707 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK alarm check. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3711 | DISA. Will draw dial tone on the 375 exchange, using your touchtone phone you can dial 7-digits and reach 375, 486, and 684 numbers via the local switch train. 20 minute forced time-disconnect. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3719 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK GTE 120B rotary coin telephone in black. FT&R TPS SXS (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3787 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK Tone transfer to standby, main machine is a Lorain 6B8 unit. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3788 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK Tone restore to main machine, standby machine is an AE TG-1 tone supply. FT&R/AE SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-375 -3795 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SCK GTE 120A touch-tone coin telephone in chrome. FT&R/AE TPS SXS (ok to call 7x24) | |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -0505 | (SF) trunk, will answer with DT | This will give SXS DT. You can dial any of the numbers that I have listed. This is working over a WECO O/ON Carrier with a SF Trunk. Dial pulse only. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -0505 | SF trunk | 24 x 7 This is a SF fxo/fxs trunk if you have a 2600 hz gengerator this is a fun trunk. You can dial 377-52xx,55-50xx and 448-2xxx,462-61xx and 63xx. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -1000 | Asterisk 1K tone | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -1111 | Wecome msg, and General Switch Info | 24 x 7 This is a 600 line Weco SXS switch |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -1112 | Comment line | 24 x 7 If you have dead call issues, or general comments. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -2525 | Asterisk Time Of Day. | 24 x 7 West coast time. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5000 | Common Line in Garage. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -51xx | 120 Ipm tone. All Ckts busy | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5244 | Rings no Phone | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5252 | General Telephone Number to reach Phil or leave ms | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5299 | Always busy. 60 IPM | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5521 | 1a2 SWFR 3 | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5531 | SWFR # 5 | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5536 | REAR OF SWFR #4 | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5555 | Central office Telephone number | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5575 | Trimline on SWFR #5 | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5611 | 211 Set mounted on side of #24 Testboard | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5627 | Rings no phone | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5680 | 1 Long ring | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5845 | Vac Number Intercept | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5870 | Ring, no phone. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5880 | code ring 4 Short | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5888 | PATTIS WORK ROOM (code Ring) | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5890 | 2 short 1 long | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -5911 | Tst line on workbench | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -7777 | Live Listen In Line to switchroom. (NOT A RECORDIN | 24 x 7 Live audio of the switch room. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-377 -9901 | W E 1C1 Payphone out side of Central Office | 24 x 7 |
Bax, Richard | 1-379 -1000 | MicroSip on laptop | 10am to 10pm CT (16:00 UTC to 04:00 UTC) |
Bax, Richard | 1-379 -1002 | Desk phone | Afternoons only |
Bax, Richard | 1-379 -1003 | 24/7 | Lenny will frustrate you. Not recorded. |
Bax, Richard | 1-379 -1091 | 24/7 | Loop - Side A with tone |
Bax, Richard | 1-379 -1092 | 24/7 | Loop - Side B |
Bax, Richard | 1-379 -1212 | 24/7 | United Impartial Service Complaint Line (humor) |
Stewart, Evan | 1-382 -9996 | Milliwatt | Test number. Future home of ITEC DIDs |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0000 | 397-0xxx - Operator Recordings | RECORDING FILES: include Telephone Operator interactions with Customers. Available 24/7 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0100 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. with Explanation | Long Distance - from Area Code 212 New York City, NY XBar 5 to Bridgeport, CT 203-384-1111 #1 Step. Out of Service announcement to Intercept Operator Call with EXPLAINATION. Evan Doorbell - Recorded Feb 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0101 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. with Explanation | Long Distance – from Area Code 212 New York City, NY XBar to Allentown, PA 215-791-0000 XBar. Out of Service Recording to Intercept Operator Call with EXPLAINTION – Evan Doorbell - Recorded Feb 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0102 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. with Explanation | Long Distance – from Area Code 212 New York City, NY XBar to Binghamton, NY 607-797-9911 Step. Out of Service Recording to Intercept Operator Call with EXPLAINTION. Evan Doorbell - Recorded Feb 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0103 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. [Step] | Long Distance - from White Plains, NY (914) XBar5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA 306-523-2399 Step. Ring to Intercept Operator Call. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0200 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. [Step] | Long Distance – from New York City, NY (212) XBar 5 to Bridgeport, CT 203-384-1111 #1 Step. Ring to Out of Service Announcement to Intercept Operator Call. Recorded Feb 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0201 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. [Step] | Long Distance – from New York City, NY (212) XBar 5 to Binghamton, NY 607-797-9911 Step. Ring to Out of Service Announcement to Intercept Operator Call. Recorded Feb 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0300 | Local Intercept Opr. [Panel] | Local - XBar5 to Panel, Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Out of Service Recording to Intercept Operator calling 212-326-9959, New York City, NY. Late 1970’s |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0301 | Local Intercept Opr. [Panel] | Local - XBar 5 to Panel, Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Out of Service Announcement to Intercept Operator, calling 212-538-9999. New York City, NY. Late 1970’s |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0302 | Local Intercept Opr. [Panel] | Local - XBar to Panel, Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Semi Automatic Centralized Intercept with 2 Intercept Operators. New York City, NY. Late 1970’s |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -0500 | Long Distance Intercept Opr. [XBar5] | Long Distance – from New York City, NY (212) XBar 5 to Allentown, PA 215-791-0000 XBar 5. MF to Ring to Out of Service Announcement to Intercept Operator. Recorded Feb 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1000 | 397-1xxx - Long Distance Recordings | RECORDING FILES: Include recordings of Long Distance calls placed over the old analog telephone company network. Recordings feature electo-mechanical connection & carrier sounds. Available 24/7 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1001 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. MF to Ring to Out of Service Recording #1. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1002 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. MF to Out of Service Recording #2. With humorous narration by Evan Doorbell. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1003 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. MF to Double Ring to Answer. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1004 | Long Distance Call [Step - 4 Tandem] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. (4 Tandem connection) MF to Out of Service Announcement. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1005 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. MF to Ring, No Answer. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1006 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. MF to Ring to Supervision Test. Great sounds on this Sup Test! Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1007 | Long Distance Call [Step - 5 Tandem] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Edmonton, Alberta CANADA (403) Step. (5 Tandem Connection) MF to Out of Order Announcement. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1008 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Busy. Some good relay pinging. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1009 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Out of Order Announcement. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1010 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Ring to Out of Order Announcement. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1011 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Reorder #1. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1012 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Reorder #2. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1013 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Ring to Answer #1. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1014 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Ring to Answer #2. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1015 | Long Distance Call [Step] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step. MF to Ring to Answer #3. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1016 | Long Distance Call [Step with Explanation] | Evan Doorbell explanation #1: MF to Ring to Supervision Test. Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Saskatu, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) Step (4 Tandem Connection ). Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1017 | Long Distance Call [XBar4A] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Calgary, Alberta CANADA (403) XBar 4 Tandem. MF to Out of Order Announcement. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1018 | Long Distance Call [XBar4A] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Mexico City, MEXICO (905) XBar 4 Tandem. MF to Reorder. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1019 | Long Distance Call [XBar4A] | Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Mexico City, MEXICO (905) XBar 4 Tandem. MF to Ring to Answer. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1020 | Long Distance Call [XBar4A - with Explanation] | Evan Doorbell explanation #2: MF to Carrier sounds. Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) XBar 4ATandem. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -1021 | Long Distance Call [XBar4A - with Explanation] | Evan Doorbell explanation #3: Xbar 4A Tandem Switch Connections. MF to Out of Order Announcement. Call from White Plains, NY (914) XBar 5 to Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA (306) XBar 4A Tandem. Recorded 1976 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -2000 | A: 397-2xxx - Step Switch Recordings (TBA) | Recordings coming soon, will be recordings of calls connecting into or through Step (Strowger) Central Office Equipment. Will be available 24/7 when posted. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3000 | A: 397-3xxx - Panel Switch Recordings | RECORDING FILES: include calls placed into or through Panel switches that capture the switch connection sounds (including revertive pusling) of calls going through or are placed on this type of equipment. Available 24/7. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3001 | Panel Switch Call Explanation - Revertive Pulsing | Evan Doorbell explanation #1: Introduction to Panel Switch Revertive Pulsing and what it is. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3002 | Panel Switch Call Explanation - to Intercept | Evan Doorbell explanation #2: Crossbar 5 to Panel Switch Call Breakdown to a central intercept recording trunk, then to an Intercept Operator, with switching crosstalk at the end of the call. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3003 | Panel Call Explanation - Reroute, Ring to Busy | Evan Doorbell explanation #3: Crossbar 5 to Panel Switch Call Breakdown, dialing 0000, call gets rerouted ending with Ring to Busy. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3004 | Panel Call Explanation - Revertive Pulse Code | Evan Doorbell explanation #4: Panel Switch Call breakdown of the details of revertive pulsing code. Dialing a number ending in 0077 to Ring to Answer |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3005 | Panel Call Explanation - Supervision Test | Evan Doorbell explanation #5: Panel Switch Call - Explaining how the flash Supervision Test works. Dialing 821-9973 to revertive pulsing connection to ring to Supervision Test |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3006 | Panel Call Explanation - Newer Supervision Test | Evan Doorbell explanation #6: Panel Switch Call. Explanation of a Newer style Supervision Test. Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Supervision Test connection. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3007 | Panel Call Explanation - SAIS | Evan Doorbell explanation #7: Panel Switch Call to the Semi Automatic Intercept System (SAIS). Revertive Pulsing to ring to Intercept Operator to SAIS to Intercept Operator. Call ends with switch connection crosstalk |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3008 | Panel Call Explanation - Wrong number issue | Evan Doorbell explanation #8: Panel Switch Call. Explanation of how a panel switch could sometimes connect you to a wrong number, even if you dialed the call correctly. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3009 | Panel Call Explanation - Ring to Busy | Evan Doorbell explanation #9: Panel Switch Call. Explanation of the Ring to Busy condition that happens on busy signals on calls to panel switches. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3010 | Panel Call Explanation - C.O. Power Supply Sounds | Evan Doorbell explanation #10: Panel Switch Call. Explanation of listening to the power supply sounds of different panel central offices around New York City, NY |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3011 | Panel Call Explanation - Rerouting Calls | Panel Switch Call. Explanation of call rerouting sequence, Ring to Busy, and a call to Intercept Operator. Explanation of T-Carrier sounds. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3100 | Panel Switch Call to 0000 - Reroute issue | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch, dialing a number that ends in 0000. Revertive Pulsing, Ring to Busy. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3101 | Panel Switch Call to Supervision Test | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch, dialing 821-9973 - Supervision Test. Revertive pulsing to ring to supervision test. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3102 | Panel Switch Call to Newer Supervision Test | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Calling into a newer style Supervision Test. Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Supervision Test. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3103 | Panel Switch Call - Ring No Answer | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Ring, no Answer. Revertive Pulsing to Ring. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3104 | Panel Switch Call - Intercept Recording | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Calling into Intercept. Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Intercept Recording. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3105 | Panel Switch Call - Ring to Busy | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Ring to Busy. Revertive Pulsing to Ring which trips the busy signal. Very common sequence when calling a busy line in a Panel switch. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3106 | Panel Switch Call - Ring to Answer | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Ring to Answer. Revertive Pulsing to Ringing until a subscriber picks up the called telephone. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3107 | Panel Switch Call - Ring No Answer | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Call to TRafalga 7-0000 – Ring, No Answer. Revertive Pulsing to Ring. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3108 | Panel Switch Call - Ring to Busy Interuption Issue | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Ring to Busy with Busy Interrupter issues. Revertive Pulsing to Ring which trips the Busy signal. The busy interrupter on this call had issues which you will hear on the busy signal. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3109 | Panel Switch Call - Supervision Test | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Call to 669-9972 - Supervision Test. Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Supervision Test. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3110 | Panel Switch Call - Supervision Test | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Calling the “Kingsbridge” Central Office, New York City, NY - Supervision Test. Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Supervision Test. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3111 | Panel Switch Call - Supervision Test | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Calling into the East 167st Street Central Office, New York City, NY - Supervision Test. Panel Pulsing to Ring to Supervision Test. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3112 | Panel Switch Call - Reroute, Ring to Busy | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Call gets rerouted, and connects to a Ring to Busy. Panel Revertive Pulsing to Multi Frequency Pulsing to Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Busy. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -3177 | Panel Switch Call - Ring to Answer | Calling from a Crossbar 5 switch to a Panel Switch. Calling a number that ends in 0077 - Ring to Answer. Revertive Pulsing to Ringing until the subscriber on the called telephone picks up. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -4000 | A: 397-4xxx - Crossbar 1 Switch Recordings | RECORDING FILES: FeatureS connection sounds of calls connecting to or going through Crossbar 1 switches. Available 24/7. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -5000 | A: 397-5xxx - Crossbar 5 Switch Recordings (TBA) | Recordings coming soon, will be of connection sounds of calls placed on and going through Crossbar 5 equipment. Will be available 24/7 when posted. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -6000 | A: 397-6xxx - Misc Recordings (TBA) | For future use of Miscellaneous Recordings. Subject will be listed when posted. Recordings will be available 24/7 when posted. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7000 | Switchboard Station Lines at Museum | CNet access to all switchboard station lines. Rings up randomly on all switchboards at the museum. Best number to use to call in for "Party-Lines" Conference call in parties. Only available when museum is open. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7010 | ROCKLAND, MA INWARD OPERATOR TRUNKS | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunks. Rings up in random order on a Western Electric 555 switchboard (circa 1950's). Available when operators are on duty |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7011 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's). Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7012 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7013 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7014 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7015 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #5 | Rockland, MA Inward Operator Trunk #5 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950s) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7020 | WHITMAN, MA INWARD OPERATOR TRUNKS | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunks. Rings up in random order on a Western Electric 555 switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7021 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7022 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7023 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7024 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7025 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #5 | Whitman, MA Inward Operator Trunk #5 on a Western Electric 555 Switchboard (circa 1950's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7030 | BROCKTON, MA INWARD OPERATOR TRUNKS | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunks. Rings up in random order on a Western Electric 551-B switchboard (circa 1940) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7031 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 on a Western Electric 551-B Switchboard (circa 1940) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7032 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 on a Western Electric 551-B Switchboard (circa 1940) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7033 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 on a Western Electric 551-B Switchboard (circa 1940) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7034 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 on a Western Electric 551-B Switchboard (circa 1940) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7035 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #5 | Brockton, MA Inward Operator Trunk #5 on a Western Electric 551-B Switchboard (circa 1940) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7040 | MT. PLEASANT INWARD OPERATOR TRUNKS | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunks. Rings up in random order on an Automatic Electric Switchboard (made in 1921). Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7041 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #1 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #1 on an Automatic Electric Switchboard (made in 1921) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7042 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #2 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #2 on an Automatic Electric Switchboard (made in 1921) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7043 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #3 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #3 on an Automatic Electric Switchboard (made in 1921) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7044 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #4 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #4 on an Automatic Electric Switchboard (made in 1921) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7045 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #5 | Mt. Pleasant Inward Operator Trunk #5 on an Automatic Electric Switchboard (made in 1921) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7050 | BOSTON, MA INWARD OPERATOR TRUNKS | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunks. (Toll Switchboard) . Rings up in random order on an Automatic Electric BD 89-C Military Switchboard (circa 1940's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7051 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #1 on an Automatic Electric BD 89-C Military Switchboard - TOLL Switchboard - (circa 1940's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7052 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #2 on an Automatic Electric BD 89-C Military Switchboard - TOLL Switchboard - (circa 1940's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7053 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #3 on an Automatic Electric BD 89-C Military Switchboard - TOLL Switchboard - (circa 1940's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7054 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 | Boston, MA Inward Operator Trunk #4 on an Automatic Electric BD 89-C Military Switchboard - TOLL Switchboard - (circa 1940's) Available when operators are on duty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7100 | INWARD Trunks to all Switchboards | Inward Trunks on "Brockton", "Mt. Pleasant", "Rockland", "Whitman" & Toll/Long Distance switchboards. Lines will be answered when Operators are on duty when museum is open. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -72XX | Automatic Electric 100 Line Step Switch | Automatic Electric 100 Line Step Switch. Direct dial for calling extensions x200 thru x299 (397-7200 thru 7299). Available only when museum is open. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -72XX | Automatic Electric 100 Line Step Switch | Automatic Electric 100 Line Step Switch. Direct dial for calling extensions x200 thru x299 (397-7200 thru 7299). Available only when museum is open. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7700 | ROCKLAND MUSEUM - Display Phones at Museum | Randomly Rings Display Phones at the Rockland Telephone History Center. Will only be answered when someone is here. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7712 | Display Phone: 1950's Black Wall Dial Phone | Rings 1950's Western Electric 554 black rotary dial wall set on outside hallway display wall at the Rockland Telephone History Center. Only answered when someone is here. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7713 | Display Phone: 1940's Black Desk Dial Phone | Rings a 1940's Western Electric 302 black rotary dial desk phone on display on the outside display hall at the Rockland Telephone History Center. Only answered when someone is here. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7721 | Display Phone: 1900 Reproduction Wood Dial Wall Se | Rings a 1900 era reproduction wooden dial wall set on display at the Rockland Telephone History Center - Rockland, MA. Will only be answered when we are on site. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7722 | Display Phone: 1930's Black Desk Dial Phone | Rings a 1930's Western Electric 202 black rotary dial desk phone on display at the Rockland Telephone History Center - Rockland, MA. Will only be answered when we are on site. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -7800 | ROCKLAND, MA - AE Step Switch Connection | AE Step Switch Dial Tone Access to the "NEPONSET" Exchange. Working on getting pulse conversions on this line through Asterisk. Only available when we are here. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -8000 | A: 397-8xxx - Misc. Recordings (TBA) | For future use of Miscellaneous Recordings. Subject will be listed when posted. Recordings will be available 24/7 when posted. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9000 | LOCAL OPERATOR RECORDINGS | 24/7. Historical Local Operator and Dial "0" recordings as well as recordings made here at the Rockland Telephone History Center. Direct Dial on C*Net as 397-9xxx. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9001 | DIAL "0" to Providence RI Toll Opr.411 Ass | 24/7 Caller dialed "0" to the Providence, RI Operator and asked for Sterling Island Family Campground. The Operator eventually connected them to Directory Assistance (411). Recorded 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9002 | DIAL "0" from Coin to Providence Toll | 24/7. Caller dialed "0" from a pay phone into the Providence, RI Toll Operator to report that they lost a dime in the pay phone while trying to call 941-7469 (phone on the WIlliams 1 Panel Switch - Cranston, RI. Recorded 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9003 | DIAL "0" to Providence Opr. - Call Assist | 24/7. Subscriber dialed "0" into the Providence, RI Toll Operator looking for assistance in dialing a toll free number 800-225-5454. Recorded 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9004 | DIAL "0" to Providence Opr. - Special | 24/7. A subscriber dialed "0" from their home phone and asked to be connected to 949-3087 as a "Special" call. ("Special" was a code word to the operator for people who were unable to dial a call themselves due to a disablilty. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9005 | DIAL "0" to Providence Opr. - Repair | 24/7 A subscriber who dialed "0" from their home phone into the Providence RI Toll Operator, asked to be connected to Repair Service for the 831 exchange (831-TEmple 1) was a large Crossbar 1 switch in Providence at that time. Rec. 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9006 | DIAL "0" to Providence Opr. Collect Call | 24/7. This is a subscriber who dialed "0" and asked for a collect call to be made to 617-935-3320 (Crossbar 5 Exchange at that time) in Woburn, MA to Hemingways, collect call from a driver. Recorded 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9007 | DIAL "0" to Providence Opr. Wrong # | 24/7. Subcriber dialed "0" into the Providence, RI Operator trying to call 461-4405, and he keeps getting 461-4404. (461 - HOpkins 1) was the last Panel switch in RI, and one of the last to be pulled out on 12/06/1980. Rec. 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9008 | DIAL "0" to Providence Opr. Dir Assistance | 24/7/ Caller from Scituate, RI Dialed "0" to Providence, RI Operator, asked how to dial directory assistance. 647 - NIagra 7, was a step switch in Scituate and you needed to dial 8 + 411 at that time. Rec. 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9030 | Local Brockton 125 call to Block Island, RI | 24/7. Local Operator call at Rockland Telephone History Center from "Brockton 125" to Block Island, RI (466-2684) - phone out of service. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9100 | TOLL - LONG DISTANCE OPERATOR RECORDINGS | 24/7 Long Distance, Toll and Overseas Telephone Operator recordings - both Historical, and calls recorded at the Rockland Telephone History Center |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9101 | Inward Call routed across the USA 1963 | 24/7. A 1963 recording by Charles Payne of a call originated at a payphone in Marblehead, MA, using Inward Operators to route the call across the US and back again to terminate in a neighboring payphone in Marblehead, MA. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9102 | Providence RI Inward Operator: BY on 828-2279 | 24/7. This is a long distance operator calling Providence, RI Inward to verify a Busy Signal on West Warwick, RI phone number 828-2279. He reports "OD Operator" which is code for Out of Service. Rec. 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9103 | Toll Operator Disconnect for Providence Inward | 24/7. Providence, RI Inward Operator monitoring a toll connection while Operator is challenging the circuit from the other end of the line. Recorded 1977 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9104 | Long Distance Call - 1949 - Dragnet - To Murphy Id | 24/7. Dragnet Radio Show - 1949 - Recording of a Long Distance Call from Los Angeles, CA to Murphy, Idaho 761. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9110 | Cama Call Recordings #1 | 24/7. This is a group of Cama Call Recordings from an intercepted line that was crossed with Cama Call Operator circuits. Recorded 1981 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9111 | Cama Call Recordings #2 COMING SOON | COMING SOON...This is a group of Cama Call Recordings from an intercepted line that was crossed with Cama Call Operator circuits. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9112 | Cama Call Recordings #3 | 24/7. This is a group of Cama Call Recordings from an intercepted line that was crossed with Cama Call Operator circuits. Recorded 1981. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9114 | Directory Assistance Recording #1 | 24/7. Recording of Directory Assistance Operators from an intercepted line that was crossed with Directory Assistance Operator circuits. Recorded 1981 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9120 | Belhaven, NC Operator | 24/7. Recording of the Belhaven, NC Toll operator answering a Dial "0" call. Then hangs up. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9121 | Fredricksburg, VA Operator | 24/7. Recording of the Fredricksburg, VA Toll Operator answering a Dial "0" call and giving the caller all the exchanges that can be called locally from that coin phone. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9130 | CALL from 212 NYC to 403 Dir. Assist | 24/7. Call from a coin set in New York City, 212 area code to a Directory Assistance Operator in the 403 Area code (Alberta, Canada). Nice example of hearing the automated setup process of a Long Distance call. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9131 | Long Distance Intercept Operator | 24/7. Call being routed to a long distance intercept operator. Nice connection set up using MF tones to route the connection. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9200 | MISC. OPERATOR RECORDINGS | 24/7 Recordings from MISC. Operator Services (Cama Calls, Directory Assistance or other Operator Services from the DIAL era) - Yet to be published |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9300 | STEP SWITCH RECORDINGS | 24/7 Sounds and recordings of calls being connect to, or dialed from Step-by Step (Strowger) switches. Provided as a service from the Rockland Telephone History Center. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9301 | Sydney Crossroads, NC CDO Switch | 24/7 Call being connected from a step switch into a CDO (Community Dial Office - All Relay switch) that connects into a busy line. As the connection is being set up, you'll hear bleed through of dial pulses being sent through a selector switch. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9302 | Ring of the old Coventry, RI Step Office | 24/7 Recording of the ringing in the old Coventry, RI Step Office, Dec. 1980. I dialed 397-4432 (my phone number at that time in West Greenwich,RI) from 401-821 (West Warwick, RI). God do I ever miss that sound! |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9303 | 1920's Step Switch Ringing | Recording of one of ringing into one of the last Step Switch Offices in New York City, late 1970's. Evan Doorbell states that this is likely what ringing sounded like in the early step switches that were installed by the bell system. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9310 | Toll Switch Dialing into a Rural Step Office #1 | Recording after I dialed into a rural step switch, with a number ending in 0000, from an ESS Office (401-821). Listen for the "0000" being dialed into that office by the toll switch. Recorded Dec. 1980 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9311 | Toll Switch Dialing into a Rural Step Office #2 | Toll switch dialing into a rural step office after dialing 1-568-0000 from ESS Office (401-821). You'll hear the toll switch dialing 0000. After the 1st "0", you'll hear a ring followed by interecept message. Recorded Dec. 1980 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9400 | PANEL SWITCH RECORDINGS | Sounds and recordings of calls being connect to, or dialed from Panel switches. Provided as a service from the Rockland Telephone History Center. Only available when I'm in the office. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9401 | Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ringing | 24/7. Revertative pusling in a New York City Panel Switch, then connecting to a ringing line. Recorded in the late 1970's in New York City. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9402 | Panel Revertive Pulsing - Ring to Busy | 24/7. Revertive Pulsing in a New York City Panel switch, that connects to a Ring to Busy. Recorded late 1970's, New York City. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9403 | Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ringing | 24/7. Revertaive pulsing in a New York City Panel switch, that connects to a ringing line then gets answered by a test board. You'll hear bleed in of the ringing signal in the background between rings. Recorded in the late 1970s |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9404 | Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ringing | 24/7. Revertive pulsing in a New York City Panel Switch (late 1970's) that connects to a ringing line. You'll hear ringing and busy signals bleeding through the background between rings. The power supply in this CO a nice tonal quality. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9405 | Panel Revertive Pulsing - Ring to odd busy | 24/7. Revertive pulsing in New York City Panel switch that connects to Ring to odd Busy. You'll hear a lot of ringing and busy signals bleeding through until the busy signal trips to an odd busy that cuts in and out, causing gaps in the busy signal. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9406 | Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ringing | 24/7. Revertive pulsing in a New York City Panel switch that connects to a ringing line. You'll hear a lot of ring signals & occasional busy signals bleeding through in the background between the ring signals. Recording in the late 1970s in NYC. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9407 | Panel Revertive Pulsing to Ring to Switch Sounds | 24/7. Revertive pulsing in a New York City Panel Switch that connects briefly to a ringing line connecting to a vacant line where you can hear a lot of background switch sounds coming through - including noisy relay pinging. Late 1970's |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9410 | Dialing Revertive Pulsing in Panel Switch | 24/7 Recording of what it sounded like to dial digit by digit in a panel switch, with a pause between each digit so you can hear the setup connections that happen after each digit is dialed. The number dialed is 645-8972 |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9500 | CROSSBAR SWITCH RECORDINGS | 24/7 Sounds and recordings of calls being connect to, or dialed from Crossbar switches. Provided as a service from the Rockland Telephone History Center. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9501 | Crossbar 1 Revertive pusling to Ring | 24/7 Revertive pulsing connection into a Crossbar 1 switch, with Crossbar 1 Ringing |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9502 | Crossbar 1 Revertive pulsing to Service Msg. | 24/7 Multi Frequency Singalling connecting to revertive pulsing going into a Crossbar 1 switch, connecting into an out of service message: "The number you have dialed is not in service at this time..." |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9503 | Crossbar 1 Revertive pulsing to Ring | 24/7 Multi Frequency Singalling connecting to revertive pulsing going into a Crossbar 1 switch, connecting to a Crossbar 1 ring. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9504 | Crossbar 5 Revertive Puslsing #1 | 24/7. Revertive pulsing after placing a call from a ESS 1 Switch in West Warwick, RI (401-821) to a Crossbar 5 switch - Providence, RI. Recorded December 1980. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9505 | Crossbar 5 Revertive Pulsing #2 | 24/7 Revertive pulsing after placing a call from a ESS 1 Switch in West Warwick, RI (401-821) to a Crossbar 5 switch - Providence, RI. Recorded December 1980. |
Ricciotti, Chris | 1-397 -9506 | Crossbar 1 - Strange Rapid Revertive Pulsing | 24/7 Strange revertive pulsing sequence into an old Crossbar 1 switch that connects to an out of service message, after dialing 1-295-0000 (North Kingston, RI) from 401-821 (West Warwick, RI). Rec. Dec. 1980 If you know what this is, contact me! |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2000 | Operator Trunk | Live Operator - Asterisk VoIP Switch - Milwaukie, Oregon - Please keep calls to ALL of my numbers between 9AM to 11PM Pacific |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2401 | Main Number - 1A2 System Line 1 | Main number to reach Evan Vander Stoep - Rings Workbench, Desk, Bedside, MDF & Garage |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2405 | Western Electric 1D Payphone | Full size payphone booth in my backyard - Qwest themed - Working coin trunk - Benner Nawman BN-4000 booth |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2406 | Nortel Millenium Payphone | OUT OF SERVICE - Payphone pedestal in my backyard (Soon to be a GTE single slot w/ PROTEL Board) |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2407 | Nortel Millenium Payphone | Mounted at Workbench |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2408 | GAI-Tronics 256-001 Outdoor Phone | Backyard - Temporarily mounted in my black payphone enclosure (Soon to be a NORTEL Millenium) |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2410 | Stromberg Carlson Orange 2500 Set | Main Display Shelf |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2411 | Western Electric 211 Set | Mounted at Workbench |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2412 | Western Electric 500 Set | Server Rack |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2413 | Automatic Electric Desk Phone | MDF |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2414 | Automatic Electric Wall Phone | Workbench |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2415 | Western Electric Trimline Orange | OUT OF SERVICE - Broken :( Will be back soon |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2416 | USSR Soviet TA-68 | Main Display Shelf - Real USSR made telephone |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2417 | Western Electric 500 Set | Main Display Shelf |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2418 | Automatic Electric Shipboard Telephone Type A | Main Display Shelf - US Naval Shipboard Rotary Dial Telephone |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2419 | Western Electric 500 Set (Green) | Desk (Temporary) |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2424 | Vtech Cordless Phone | Workbench & Desk |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2519 | Western Electric L1 Announcement Set (100A) | Western Electric KS 16765 L1 Announcement Set - Featuring my voice in its magnetically stored format |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2900 | Asterisk Milliwatt Test | 24x7 |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2901 | Random Music (Ext. 2901-2975) | Random Songs & Test Music |
Vander Stoep, Evan | 1-421 -2998 | Asterisk Time & Temperature | Pacific Time, Milwaukie Weather Station |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2002 | milliwatt | 1004 Hz milliwatt at 0db OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2004 | Cell Phone | Soft phone app on my cell phone. Hit or miss depending on whether I have the app running or not |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2005 | Computer | Softphone app on my desktop computer |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2011 | If you see Kay | Memphis Slim and a classy up yours to the censors. OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2111 | Various recordings | Plays various phonetrip and other phone related recordings OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2223 | Wanda Sykes | Wanda Sykes skit from crank-yankers. OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2343 | House key systems | Main number to reach me at. Rings 1A2 and Partner phones. (Now also available in PSTN flavor!) 9am-10pm EST please. |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2344 | Fax Line | C*net FAX number. A real fax machine. Go for it. |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2407 | Main line | Just rings the same port that is assigned to 424-2343 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -24XX | Channel Banks | 2411-2441 rings display phones.10 am to 10 pm please. 2442-2496 not used yet. 42-96 ring forever. Anytime. |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2600 | Echo test | Echo test OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2625 | Current time | Reads back current time. (EST) OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2626 | Date and Time | Reads back current date and time. OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2650 | Divestiture | Short recording about the divestiture OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2663 | Conference bridge | Asterisk meet-me conference bridge. OK 24/7 |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2820 | Bedroom | Partner phone on my nightstand. Nothing after midnight EST, please |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2824 | Payphone | Rings my Intellicall Payphone. Ring anytime |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2828 | Workshop | Rings the other phone in my workshop. Try anytime. |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2834 | Garage | Rings phone in garage. Try anytime. |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2840 | Workbench | FXO circuit through partner ACS. Rings phone on my workbench |
Richard, Chris | 1-424 -2XXX | See Comment | Recently overhauled asterisk system. LMK if anything is broken |
Young, Shane | 1-429 -9995 | Alarm Check | |
Young, Shane | 1-429 -9996 | MilliWatt | |
Young, Shane | 1-429 -9997 | Quiet Termination | |
Goff, Gary | 1-434 -4279 | Gary Goff - Line 1 | |
Goff, Gary | 1-434 -4633 | Gary Goff - Line 2 | |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -2622 | Caller ID Readback / ANAC (Jane Barbe) | TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Available 24/7. Announces your Caller ID, as received, in Jane Barbe's voice. Note that 7- and 10-digit numbers (as well as 1+7 and 1+10) have proper pauses and inflection for digit groupings. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -2626 | Caller ID Readback / ANAC (Pat Fleet) | TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Available 24/7. Announces your Caller ID, as received, in Pat Fleet's voice. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -3599 | Main number | TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE Please limit calls to 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM Pacific time. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -6600 | Local Weather (Newport Beach, CA) | TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE. Available 24/7. Data from NOAA National Weather Service. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8001 | Music on Hold (Default) | TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8002 | Music on Hold (Classical Guitar) | TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8003 | Music on Hold (Classical Quartet) | TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8004 | Music on Hold (Disney) | TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE. Music from Club 33 |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8463 | Time of Day Announcement (Pacific Time) | TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Available 24/7. Synchronized with Stratum 1 time servers. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8464 | UK-style Time of Day Announcement | TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Available 24/7 |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8987 | AIS number changed announcement with new number | TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Available 24/7. Jane Barbe AIS announcement. |
Hammonds, Trevor | 1-445 -8988 | Cognitronics AIS disconnect message | TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Available 24/7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-448 -1000 | Asterisk 1K tone | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-448 -1111 | North Electric CX 100 TPL Switch. | 24 x 7 A north electric all relay switch Info line. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-448 -2222 | CX 100 RNA | 24 x 7 " " " " " |
McCarter, Phil | 1-448 -2345 | CX 100 CO TELEPHONE | 24 x 7 " " " " " |
McCarter, Phil | 1-448 -2525 | Asterisk Time Of Day. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-448 -2XXX | ANY 448-2XXX will ring. | 24 x 7 " " " " " |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -1000 | Asterisk 1K tone | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -1111 | Stromberg Carlson X-Y Info Line | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -2525 | Asterisk Time Of Day. | 24 x 7 West coast time. |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6110 | STROMBERG X-Y SXS 1ST PARTY OF 10 | 24 x 7 This is a 200 line Stromberg-Carlson X-Y |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6111 | X-Y main number. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6150 | DISP ROOM | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6199 | ALWAYS BUSY | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6310 | PARTY 1 OF 10 (2ND 10 PTY GROUP) | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6333 | Disp room. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6393 | Disp room. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-462 -6399 | ALWAYS BUSY | 24 x 7 |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -2351 | Rolm Redwood Auto Attendant | This switch is infrequently powered on. |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5000 | Callpilot by Nortel Networks | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5002 | Nortel Callpilot - In Russian | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5003 | CS1000 Milliwatt Test/Silent Termination | Available 24/7 |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5004 | KIG60 NOAA Weather Radio | WX Radio covering Northern Vermont and New York |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5100 | CS1000E Network Attendant | Network Attendant LDN on CS1000E Rls 7.65 |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5110 | Switchroom M2616 | Backboard mounted Nortel M2616. |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5111 | NOC CS1K M3904 | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5300 | Meridian SL-1 Network Attendant | Network Attendant LDN on QCW4 Console |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5310 | Switchroom SL-1 QSU60 | Connected to Meridian SL-1 ST |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5311 | NOC SL-1 QSU61 | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5340 | Meridian SL-1 Auto Attendant | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5360 | SL-1 Meridian Mail | Meridian Mail 8 on SL-1 ST |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5560 | Mitel 3300 Auto Attendant | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5600 | Mitel SX-200D Network Attendant | Network Attendant LDN on SX200 Digital Console |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5665 | Mitel SX-200D ACD Queue | on SX-200 Digital, hold music is local FM station. |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5700 | 302B Attendant Console | Connected to Aura Communications Manager 6.3 |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5710 | Switchroom AT&T 8410D | Connected to Aura Communications Manager 6.3 |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5711 | NOC Aura 8434DX | |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5760 | AUDIX Voicemail | AUDio Information EXchange |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5900 | Mitel SX-200EL Network Attendant | Network Attendant LDN on Superconsole 1000 |
Perron, Anthony | 1-466 -5910 | Switchroom Superset 4150 | Connected to Mitel SX-200EL |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -0002 | 1004hz | Call 24/7 |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -2525 | Local PSTime | Call 24/7 |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -3101 | ITT 3554 on Line 1 of the Adit 600 Chnl. Bank | 9:00Am to 10:00Pm PST |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -3102 | Shop Rotary 554 Line 2 on the Adit 600 Chnl. Bank | 9:00am to 10:00pm PST. |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -3104 | San Diego Trolly | Call 24/7 |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -3126 | 4 Wire Test Line | E&M 4 wire project in progress |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -4201 | Order Wire on the SXS Temporarily OSS | The order wire picks up on the second ring which is long gone by the time asterisk cuts through. So blow some tones or say hi a few times and if I am in the area of the Switch Room I will answer. |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -4202 | Steady Ringing from a WECO 404A on the SXS | Call 24/7 |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -4204 | Switch Room WECO 2500 on SXS | Call between 9:00Am and 10:00Pm |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -6700 | Off Premise Extension Temporarily OOS | TEMP OFF LINE |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -6701 | Off Premise Extension Temporarily OOS | TEMP OFF LINE |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -6722 | Off Premise Extension Temporarily OOS | TEMP OFF LINE |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -9000 | Merlin Line 4 | 9:00am to 10:00pm PST |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -9001 | Computer Room/Asterisk Console Phone WECO 2554 | 9:00am to 10:00pm PST. |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -9108 | Test Loop Port 1 | Dialing in you will hear an acknowledgment tone until someone dials in on port two then you can talk. |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -9109 | Test Loop Port 2 | Dialing in you will hear an acknowledgment tone until someone dials in on port one then you can talk. |
Petrizze, Jerry | 1-470 -9900 | Off Premise Extension Temporarily OOS | Work in progress. |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -2000 | smartphone SIP | Vern's SIP smartphone extension. 9am-9pm if I'm in range of the local WiFi. |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -2600 | WE 1000Hz milliwatt 0db | Duplicate of 474-9982 for historical number accuracy against the 207-474 PSTN exchange. |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -2699 | KS5546 120 ipm busy | 120 ipm fast busy from the KS5546-L3 tone drum ringing machine. This is a live tone, not a recording :) |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -3430 | CO Switchroom | |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -3431 | CO Switchroom hunt | 2nd hunt line from 474-3430, under construction |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -7024 | Number not in service intercept | KS16765L2 announcement machine, SD-95538 announcement trunk, my voice temporarily :) |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -9980 | milliwatt 360 secs | Asterisk 1004hz milliwatt SKWHMEWF01T |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -9981 | silent termination | Asterisk milliwatt, 20 secs, silent, 360 secs SKWHMEWF01T |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -9982 | WE 1000Hz milliwatt 0db | WE 0db 1000Hz 71B milliwatt reference generator via ED-66609 R-O-W connector. |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -9983 | WE 1000Hz milliwatt +7db | Out of service for repair. WE +7db 1000Hz milliwatt reference generator via ED-66609 R-O-W connector |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -9990 | Frame test line #1 | Ok 24X7, rarely attended |
Burke, Vernon | 1-474 -9991 | WE toll test board, under construction | Ok 24X7, rarely attended, currently under construction |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-476 -4062 | Kellogg steel masterphone | AE 1 Rack TPL (Not always on) |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-476 -409X | AE TPL Code Ringing | no phone, X=any dig 1-0 (not always on) |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-476 -4244 | 60 IPM Busy | AE 1 Rack TPL (not always on) |
Young, Shane | 1-477 -2000 | Test: IAX2 Failure | No IAX2 response received. The calling party device must generate reorder tone or an announcement locally. No answer supervision sent from the called number. |
Grant, Thomas | 1-477 -2445 | Central Office phone | Paradise Township Telephone. Office pending completion hopefully in 2021. |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -0013 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01AST FXS station off local Asterisk server. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -0014 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01AST FXS station off local Asterisk server. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -0121 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL013TB Paradise 121 Inward operator. Switchboard is staffed on occasion and not much in the winter as the room is not heated. Automatic Electric 3CL Manual Tollboard. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4309 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY connector routine test. Also works on 4409, 4509, 4609, and 9909. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4312 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY recorded message, "our menu has NOT changed". Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4351 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY outdoor Charge-A-Call booth #1. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4352 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY outdoor Charge-A-Call booth #2. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4353 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY outdoor Charge-A-Call booth #3. (onto call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4420 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY recorded message. "The local news of the week........" Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4431 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY Trunk hunt connector group, 4431 hunts to 4435, ring-no-answer. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4502 | TTS-39A/TTS-39XF | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY milliwatt. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4503 | TTS-50A | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY loop-around side 1, (no 1Khz tone) Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4504 | TTS-50A | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY loop-around side 2. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4511 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY permanent line busy. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4545 | Central Office phone | Paradise Township Telephone C.O. Phone in 486 (IVanhoe-6) office. |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4601 | TN-13 Stability Test Line | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY silent term. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4602 | TTS-39A/TTS-39XF | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY milliwatt. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -4607 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY alarm check. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -9987 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY GTE120B rotary coin telephone in beige. 5-cent semi post pay rate. Stromberg-Carlson XY (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -9988 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY WECO 1C touch-tone coin telephone. Was Pac-Bell 510-444-9807. Stromberg-Carlson XY (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -9991 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY outdoor (red) Superman booth, GTE120B pay phone. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -9992 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY outdoor (blue) Superman booth, GTE120B pay phone. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-486 -9993 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SXY GTE 120B coin telephone in chrome. Stromberg-Carlson XY. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Young, Shane | 1-488 -2600 | Last N2 System messge board | Messages left from people around the world on the last Western N2 system in North America. During the days and weeks before the system was decomissioned, people were invited to leave their thoughts. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9000 | Personal phone | Direct to voicemail after-hours. Also at PSTN +1-404-492-9082. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9002 | Personal fax | Fax receiver -- virtual, but supports G.711 passthrough. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9090 | Lenny! | Talk to Lenny, the robot who loves to talk to telemarketers. (Calls are not recorded.) |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9264 | PSTN ANI demo | (489-9ANI) Hear what happens when your CLID is passed through unmodified to the MCI ANI announcement circuit (+1-800-437-7950). Try with arbitrary 10D or 1+10D CLID numbers. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9901 | TheTestCall | See http://testmyphone.blogspot.com/ for more information; provides many test facilities. Functions as a transcoding proxy so will always claim to be G.722 via C*NET. Also at iNum +883 5100 0119 6512. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9902 | Milliwatt tone | 1000Hz. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9903 | Milliwatt+ tone | 1004Hz. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9904 | High tone | 500Hz. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9906 | Thank you, Evan Doorbell | A tribute to Evan Doorbell, spoken by Pat Fleet. |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9979 | Owen-Murphy Tribute | A tribute to the Owen-Murphy intercept recordings in New York in the 1970s. (Also on the PSTN at +1-516-821-8190; that number does not supervise!) |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9990 | Echo test | |
Vierling, Todd | 1-489 -9999 | C*NET DISA | DISA for dialing C*NET numbers. Passcode is DIAL (3425). CLID will be from 14899999, all access is logged. Capable of dialing US/Canada tollfree numbers as 1+10D. |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -2000 | Echo Test | For checking the latency from your location to my Asterisk switch, and return. |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -2222 | My Desk | SIP Phones at my desk and in the switch room. |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3001 | Advance Do Not Disturb Idle Line | "We're sorry. The customer you are trying to reach can not be disturbed unless you enter your personal identification number. Please enter it now or try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3002 | All trunks busy | "We're sorry. All circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3003 | Basic Do Not Disturb Idle Line | "We're sorry. The customer you are trying to reach can not be disturbed. Will you please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3004 | Disconnect Number When Routed for Local Announceme | "We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel that you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3005 | Carrier Access Code dialed in Error | "We're sorry. It is not necessary to dial a long distance company access code for the number you have dialed. Please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3006 | Unassigned Carrier Access Code | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed with the access code you dialed. Please check the code and dial again, or call your long distance company for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3007 | Custom Calling Assistance Business | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check your instruction manual, or call the business office for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3008 | Denied OutWATS | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3009 | Denial Termination | "We're sorry. The number you are calling can not receive calls at this time. Please call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3010 | Destination Out of Service | "We're sorry. The number you have reached is currently out of service." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3011 | Do Not Disturb Busy | "We're sorry. The number you have dialed is busy now and the customer does not wish to be disturbed. Will you please hang up and try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3012 | Emergency Action Announcement | "We're sorry. Due to telephone facility trouble, your call cannot be completed at this time. Will you try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3013 | Feature Already Active | "The feature is already active." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3014 | Feature Already Inactive | "The feature is already inactive." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3015 | Feature Not Subscribed | "We're sorry, but the service you are trying to use is not available on this line." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3016 | Feature Not Successful | "We're sorry. We can not process your custom calling request at this time. Will you try again later please." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3017 | 10XXX Required | "We're sorry. A long distance company access code is required for the number you have dialed. Please dial your call with the access code." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3018 | Dial 10XXX Restriction | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed from the telephone you are using. Please read the instruction card and dial again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3019 | Incompatible Call Destination | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be destination completed from the telephone you are using. Please read the instruction card or call your operator to help you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3020 | Call Waiting Deluxe Announcement | "The person you are calling is busy. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3021 | Call Waiting Deluxe Hold Announcement | "The person you are calling is busy. Please stay on the line." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3023 | Call Waiting Deluxe Reminder | "The person you are calling will answer your call soon. Please stay on the line." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3025 | Call Division ISDN Call Park Clearing | "We're sorry. We are not able to respond to your call at this time. Please try again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3026 | Internal Failure | "We're sorry. You call did not go through. Will you please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3027 | InWATS Out of Band | "We're sorry. You have dialed a number that cannot be reached from your calling area." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3028 | Change DN Optional When Not Routed to AISCNA Syste | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. The number you have dialed has been changed, disconnected, or is no longer in service. Please check the number and dial again, or call information for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3029 | Feature Already Successfully Activated | "The feature is already successfully activated." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3030 | Feature Already Successfully Deactivated | "The feature is already successfully deactivated." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3031 | Message Waiting Intercept | "A message is waiting for you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3032 | No Carrier Circuits Available | "All long distance company circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3033 | 950 to be 10XXX | "We're sorry. It is not necessary to dial the digits 950 before the long distance company access code. Please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3034 | 10XXX to be 950 | "We're sorry. The long distance company access code you dialed must be preceded by the digits 950. Please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3035 | PIN does not match BPIN | "We're sorry. The personal identification number you have entered is not correct. Will you please hang up, check the number, and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3036 | Not Working Emergency 911 | "911 emergency service is not available in this area. Please consult your telephone directory for the appropriate emergency number, or if one is not available, call the operator for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3037 | Off-Hook Queueing | "Your call has been queued. Please stay off-hook and your call will be completed as soon as the facility becomes available." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3038 | Off-Hook Queue Time Out | "We're sorry. The facility you require is not available at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3039 | Operator Verification Not Allowed | "Busy verification by the operator is not allowed on this call." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3040 | PBX Congestion Long Duration | "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed due to problems in the destination PBX. Please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3041 | Partial Digits Dialed by Subscriber | "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try your call again. If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3042 | Prefix Zero Required | "We're sorry, you must first dial a "0" when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3043 | One or Zero or NPA is not required | "We're sorry. It is not necessary to dial a "1" or "0", or the area code when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3044 | Prefix 1 Required | "We're sorry. You must first dial a "1" when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3045 | Protocol Error | "We're sorry. The long distance company you have dialed is experiencing a temporary service problem. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3046 | Protocol Error ISDN | "We're sorry. We are unable to complete your call at this time. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3047 | Remote Activation and Deactivation of Call Forward | "Please dial the directory number for which call forwarding will be activated or deactivated, followed by your personal identification number." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3048 | Ring Back Queueing | "Your call has been queued. Please hang up within five seconds to activate the feature. The call will be completed as soon as the facility becomes available." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3049 | Revertive Call Party Line Intercom | "To complete the call, you must hang up before the end of this announcement and go off hook when the telephone stops ringing." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3053 | Service Is Not Available | "We're sorry. The service or option requested is not available. Please check your instruction manual or call the business office for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3054 | Test Operator is Not Available | "All test positions are unmanned at this time. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3055 | User Not Responding | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check your instruction manual or call repair service for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3056 | Wait for Test Operator | "You have reached a test position. Please hold." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3057 | Prefix | "We're sorry. It is not necessary to dial a "0" when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3058 | All Channels Are Busy Within a Cellular Carrier | "We're sorry. All channels are busy now. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3059 | Unobtainable Directory Number Optional | "We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel that you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3060 | If Urgent Try Again Now | "We're sorry. Due to heavy calling, we cannot complete your call at this time. Will you please try your call again later. If your call is urgent, please try again now." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3061 | Work Stoppage | "We're sorry. Due to a work stoppage the operator is not available at this time to handle your call. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3062 | Additional Speed Call Numbers Cannot Be Sent | "We're sorry. Additional speed calling numbers cannot be entered at this time. Will you try again later, please." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3063 | No Circuits Available | "We're sorry. Due to heavy calling, we cannot complete your call at this time. Will you please hang up and try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3064 | Prefix 1 and Area Code | "We're sorry. You must first dial a "1" before the area code when dialing this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3065 | Network Out of Service | "Due to network difficulties, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3066 | Long Distance Calls Require 0 or 1 plus Area Code | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Long distance calls require a "0" or "1" plus the area code the the telephone number. Please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3067 | Queued Overflow Announcement | "We're sorry. All circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3068 | Due to Heavy Calls Operator Will Be Delayed | "We're sorry. Due to heavy calling, the operator will be delayed in helping you. If your call is urgent, stay on the line and an operator will answer as soon as possible." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3069 | Carrier Access Code Out of Service | "We're sorry. The long distance company you have selected is unable to complete your call at this time. Please contact your long distance company for assistance." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3070 | Request Suspension Originating | "We're sorry, the telephone you are calling from is not in service at this time." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3071 | Prefix 1 Not Allowed | "We're sorry, it is not necessary to dial a "1" when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3072 | Reserved for Optional Announcement | "We're sorry. You must first dial a one or zero plus the area code when dialing this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3073 | NPA is Not Required | "We're sorry. It is not necessary to dial the area code on long distance calls. Please dial a "1" or "0" first, then the number." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3074 | Call Forwarding Busy Line | "Your call is being forwarded." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3075 | One Plus Calls Not Allowed | "Your call cannot be completed as dialed from the telephone you are using. Please read the instruction card and dial again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3076 | NPA is Required | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. To complete the call, please dial the area code and the telephone number." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3077 | Number dialed with Calling Restrictions | "We're sorry. You have dialed a number which has calling restrictions and cannot be reached from the telephone you are using." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3078 | Prefix Zero and Area Code Required | "We're sorry. You must first dial a "0" before the area code when dialing this number. Will you please hang up try your call again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3079 | NPA and Zero Required | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Dial zero, then the are code and telephone number." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3080 | Emergency Announcement | "We're sorry. Due to telephone facility trouble, your call cannot be completed at this time. Will you try your call again later." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3081 | Account Suspension Originating | "Per customer's request, telephone service on this line has been suspended. For more information please call your customer service representative." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3082 | Account Suspension Terminating | "Per customer's request, the number you are calling is suspended." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3083 | Code Restriction 900 976 | "Your 900 and 976 services have been block. To activate these services, please call the telephone company business office." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3088 | ISDN Calling Number Delivery Deact | "The feature is now deactivated." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3089 | ISDN Calling Number Delivery Active | "The feature is now activated." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3090 | Area Code Change Split | "For the number you have dialed, the area code has been changed to 815. Please dial 815 for the area code, and the number you wish to call. This is a recording." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3092 | Automatic Number Annc | [DN] |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3093 | Credit Limit Toll Block | "This call cannot be completed due to restrictions on the line. To obtain further information, please dial 800-281-8584" |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3094 | Ring Cycle Request | "Please enter your desired call forwarding Ring Cycle from 0 through 10." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3095 | Residence Service Ordering Instructions | "To order your telephone service, please call the Residence Service Center during normal business hours. This is a recording." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3096 | Fast Busy Tone | |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3097 | Remote Access to Voice Assisted Dialing | "Please dial the directory number for which Voice Assisted Dialing will be activated or deactivated, followed by your personal identification number." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3098 | Misrouted Call to Ported Number | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3099 | Ring Cycle Entry Out of Range | "We're sorry. The call forwarding ring cycle you entered is out of range. Please re-enter your desired call forwarding ring cycle from 0 through 10, followed by the pound key." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3101 | Acknowledge Over-Deposit Credit | "Thank you. You have [cents] cents credit towards overtime." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3102 | Acknowledge Correct Deposit | "Thank you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3103 | X Dollars Y Cents | "[Dollars][cents] cents. Please deposit [Dollars] [cents] cents for the first [Time] minutes. Thank you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3104 | Please Deposit Dollars Y Cents | "Please deposit [Dollars][Cents] cents more. Thank you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3105 | Deposit X Dollars Y Cents | "Please deposit [Dollar][Cents] cents. Thank you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3106 | At tone deposit X dollars Y cents | "[Dollars] [cents]. Please deposit [Dollars] [cents] cents for the next [time] or your call will be disconnected. Thank you." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3157 | Vacant Code | "We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number, and dial again." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3184 | Telemarketer Call Screening | "You have dialed a number which does not accept calls from telemarketers. All other callers may press 1 if they wish to complete the call." |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3551 | Switch Room (SIP) | |
Blakely, Greg | 1-499 -3923 | Ordering Instruction 2 | "Only 911 and the telephone company's resident service center can be dialed from this line. To order your telephone service, please dial 611 during normal business hours. Thank you. This is a recording." |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3015 | Valcom Rotary/Tone Intercom | Dial this and then the extension (0-1,3-9,20-29) |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3016 | 6A Intercom | Dial this and then the extension (0,3-9,20-29) |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3200 | Definity Console/Main Number | This is the main number if you want to call me |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3201 | Avaya 7444 - Basement Kitchen | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3202 | Avaya 7405 - Game Rm/Liv Rm Center | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3203 | Princess DP Blue - Basement Game Rm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3204 | Princess TT Ash - Basement Liv Rm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3205 | Mickey Mouse - Basement Bedroom | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3206 | Avaya 8410D - Laundry Room | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3207 | Avaya 6424D - Work Room | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3208 | 1554 - Basement Storage Rm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3209 | Avaya 8110 - Basement Bathroom | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3210 | WE Bell Chime - 1st Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3211 | WE Trimline - SE Bedroom - 1st Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3212 | NEC ETT-1-2 - W Bedroom - 1st Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3213 | Avaya 2500 DMGC - NE Bedrm - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3214 | Avaya 8434 White - Living Rm-S - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3215 | WE 10-Btn MET - Living Rm-N - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3216 | Avaya 8434DX - Dining Rm - 1st Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3217 | Avaya 6408D - Kitchen - 1st Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3218 | Avaya 7101A - Master Bath - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3219 | Avaya 7101A - Bathroom - 1st Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3220 | WE Bell Chime - 2nd Floor | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3221 | Avaya 7406+ - Master Bedrm - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3222 | Avaya 7302S - Guest Rm 2 Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3223 | Avaya 7405D - Library - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3224 | Avaya 7434D - Living Rm-S - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3225 | Avaya 7444D - Living Rm-N - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3226 | Avaya 8434DX - Dining Rm - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3227 | Avaya 8434DX - Kitchen - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3228 | Avaya 6424D - Sun Room - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3229 | Space Saver - 2nd Fl Bathroom | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3230 | AE102 - Front Stairs - AE 102 | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3230 | Panasonic - Back stairs & cordless | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3231 | Trimline TT Ash - Bedroom | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3232 | Avaya 7101A - Mark E. Stolt | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3240 | ITT Bell Chime - Basement | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3241 | Avaya 7403D - Front Door | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3242 | Allen-Tel Weatherproof - Back Yard | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3243 | Avaya 8410D - Garage | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3244 | WE Weatherproof - Garage Deck | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3245 | Avaya 8434DX - Garage Deck Bar | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3246 | Avaya 7410+ - Fitness Room | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3247 | WE 30-Btn MET - Bsmt Dining Rm Desk | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3248 | Avaya 603D1 - Wine Cellar | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3249 | Switchroom 7405D | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3251 | 151AL - 2nd Fl Liv Rm Love Seat | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3252 | 102 - 2nd Fl Liv Rm Chair | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3253 | 202 - 2nd Fl Liv Rm Couch | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3254 | 302 - 2nd Fl Liv Rm Table | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3255 | 500 - 2nd Fl Liv Rm Desk | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3256 | AT&T Trimline - Front Balcony | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3258 | Avaya 7434D w/ Cov Mod - Swrm MDF | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3259 | 554 - Basement Mechanical Rm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3260 | Express Messaging | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3261 | 1A Line #1 (1A2) | 2nd Fl Library only |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3262 | 1A Line #2 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3263 | 1A Line #3 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3264 | 1A Line #4 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3265 | 1A Line #5 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3266 | 1A Line #6 (1A1) | Appears on all 1A2 sets |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3267 | 1A Line #7 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3268 | 1A Line #8 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3269 | 1A Line #9 (1A2) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3270 | 555 PBX - Front Entry | Only works when turned on |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3271 | Holly Breese (Iowa City, IA) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3272 | Avaya 4620 - Holly Breese-Bsmt Bedrm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3277 | Callback Not currently working on C*NET | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3278 | Avaya 4624 - Eric's Office (IIT Campus) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3279 | Avaya 7102A - Eric's Office (IIT Campus) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3281 | iPhone - Eric | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3282 | iPhone - Mark | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3283 | Cisco 7970 Phone - Switchroom | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3285 | ANI Readback | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3287 | Chicago Weather (O'Hare) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3288 | Time of Day (US Central) | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3289 | Chicago Transit Arrival Times | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3291 | ComKey 416 - Bsmt Dining Rm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3292 | WE 50A1 Conference Set - Basement Liv Rm | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3293 | Intecom Console - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3294 | System 25 Console - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3295 | Console - Switchroom | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3296 | Console - Basement | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3297 | Console - 1st Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3298 | Definity Console - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -3299 | Dimension Console - 2nd Fl | |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -35XX | Valcom Rotary/Tone Intercom Stations | XX= 00-01, 03-09, 20-29 |
Breese, Eric | 1-528 -36XX | 6A Intercom stations | XX= 00, 03-09, 20-29 |
Bax, Richard | 1-532 -3001 | 24/7 | "The number you have dialed is not in service" |
McCarter, Phil | 1-543 -1000 | Asterisk 1K tone | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-543 -1111 | Western Electric #3 X-Bar Switch. | 24 x 7 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-543 -2525 | Asterisk Time Of Day. | 24 x 7 West coast time. |
Dunne, Charles | 1-546 -0001 | KIngswood-6 Welcome | |
Dunne, Charles | 1-546 -9991 | Busy Test | NEPAX |
Dunne, Charles | 1-546 -9993 | Ring Test | NEPAX |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -0002 | Sage 966R Milliwatt | 24x7 OK: 1004Hz at 0dBm (4 channels.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -0003 | Sage 966R SMOS Responder | 24x7 OK: Call with your Sage 960B, 935AT or 930i (4 channels.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -0004 | Sage 966R 23-Tone Test | 24x7 OK: 23-Tone Test responder (4 channels.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -0005 | Sage 966R 105 Responder | 24x7 OK: 105 Test responder (Comm level -10dBm, 4 channels.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -0006 | Sage 966R Echo Convergence Test | 24x7 OK: Echo Convergence Test Responder (4 channels.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -0007 | Sage 966R Fax Send Test | 24x7 OK: Fax Send Test, will send 2 pages ITU V.17 @ 7200 baud (3 channels.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2000 | Office Phone | Panasonic cordless |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2001 | Office Fax | Brother MFC 8500 Fax Machine. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2002 | 3COM 56K Modem | 3COM 56K Modem |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2003 | Protel Modem | Protel UPMS 1200 Modem for programming payphones. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2010 | Living Room | Western Electric 302 Desk Phone. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2500 | OKI AC125A PBX | 24x7 OK: Dialtone on OKI AC125A (originates from extensions 45-54) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2510 | Milliwatt | 24x7 OK. Milliwatt: 1004Hz at 0dBm via OKI XB x10 (Sage 966R) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2511 | SMOS Responder | 24x7 OK. Sage 966R SMOS Responder via OKI XB x11. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2512 | 23-Tone Test | 24x7 OK: Sage 966R 23-Tone Test via OKI XB x12 (ADIT FXO) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2513 | OKI Operator | OKI AC125A XB Operator (x13.) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2514 | 105 Responder | 24x7 OK: Sage 966R 105 Responder via OKI XB x14 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2515 | Echo Convergence Test | 24x7 OK: Sage 966R Echo Convergence Test via OKI XB x15 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2516 | Fax Send Test | 24x7 OK: Sage 966R Fax Send Test, will send 2 pages ITU V.17 @ 7200 baud |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2526 | Conference via OKI XB | 24x7 OK. Maximum of one caller per line, if busy, try x27. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2527 | Conference via OKI XB | 24x7 OK. Maximum of one caller per line, if busy, try x26. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2530 | Office Phone | Panasonic Cordless, via OKI x30. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2531 | Family Room | Western Electric 236G Payphone, via OKI x31. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2532 | Living Room via OKI XB | Western Electric 302 Desk Phone, via OKI x32. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2533 | WE 1C2 Payphone, via OKI XB | 24x7 OK: Garage Payphone, with Protel 8000 chassis. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2536 | Outgoing Trunk 1 | 24x7 OK: Outgoing trunk, PIN protected, via OKI x36. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2537 | Outgoing Trunk 2 | 24x7 OK: Outgoing trunk, PIN protected, via OKI x37. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2539 | Pat Fleet Time of Day | 24x7 OK. Pat Fleet Time of Day via OKI XB x39. Pacific Time, from an on-premise statum 1 NTP server. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2540 | Cell phone via AC125A XB | This will ring my cell phone, via the OKI AC125A Crossbar PBX extension 40 (ADIT FXO) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2541 | Evan Doorbell | 24x7 OK. Evan Doorbell via OKI XB x41. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2542 | Evan Doorbell | 24x7 OK. Evan Doorbell via OKI XB x42. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2555 | Cell phone via AC125A XB | This will ring my cell phone, via the OKI AC125A Crossbar PBX extension 55 (ADIT FXO) |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2559 | OKI AC125A x59 | 24x7 OK: OKI AC125A Attendant #1, always busy. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2569 | OKI AC125A x69 | 24x7 OK: OKI AC125A Attendant #2, always busy. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2592 | OKI AC125A BWT2 | 24x7 OK: Bothway trunk into OKI AC125A, auto-attendant forwards through the XB to Pat Fleet Time of Day. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2601 | 230B KTU Line 1 | Line 1, Western Electric 230B 1A1 KTU |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2700 | WE 755A PBX | 24x7 OK: Dialtone on WE 755A PBX. DTMF Converter: https://github.com/hharte/we755a_dtmf |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2701 | 755A Trunk #1 | WE 755A PBX Trunk #1 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2702 | 755A Trunk #2 | WE 755A PBX Trunk #2 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2703 | 755A Trunk #3 | WE 755A PBX Trunk #3 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2704 | 755A Trunk #4 | WE 755A PBX Trunk #4 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2720 | 755A Station 20 | WE 755A Station 20, WE 566MB Key Set |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2721 | 755A Station 21 | WE 755A Station 21, WE 462 Key Set |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2722 | 755A Station 22 | WE 755A Station 22 |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2723 | 755A Station 23 | WE 755A Station 23, WE 6040A Key with 212L and 685A Subset. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2729 | 755A Station 29 | 24x7 OK: Time of day via WE 755A x29. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2736 | Outgoing Trunk 1 | 24x7 OK: Outgoing trunk, PIN protected, via 755A x36. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2737 | Outgoing Trunk 2 | 24x7 OK: Outgoing trunk, PIN protected, via 755A x37. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2739 | 755A Station 39 | 24x7 OK: Time of day via WE 755A x39. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2800 | #5XB Book - Overview | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - No. 5– The post-war crossbar |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2801 | #5XB Book - Chapter 1 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 1 - Introduction |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2803 | #5XB Book - Chapter 3 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 3 - Design Patterns |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2804 | #5XB Book - Chapter 4 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 4 - Trunking Plan |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2805 | #5XB Book - Chapter 5 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 5 - Marker |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2806 | #5XB Book - Chapter 6 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 6 - Equipment arrangements for No. 5 crossbar markers |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2807 | #5XB Book - Chapter 7 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 7 - Frames |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2808 | #5XB Book - Chapter 8 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 8 - The originating dial pulse register circuit for the No. 5 crossbar system |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2809 | #5XB Book - Chapter 9 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 9 - Trunk selection by Number-five crossbar markers |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2810 | #5XB Book - Chapter 10 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 10 - Traffic Distribution |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2811 | #5XB Book - Chapter 11 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 11 - Connectors |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2812 | #5XB Book - Chapter 12 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 12 - Senders |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2813 | #5XB Book - Chapter 13 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 13 - Register and sender frames |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2814 | #5XB Book - Chapter 14 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 14 - Incoming register link |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2815 | #5XB Book - Chapter 15 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 15 - Incoming register circuits |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2816 | #5XB Book - Chapter 16 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 16 - Register and sender frames |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2817 | #5XB Book - Chapter 17 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 17 - Number group frame |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2818 | #5XB Book - Chapter 18 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 18 - Ringing selection |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2819 | #5XB Book - Chapter 19 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 19 - Message register operation |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2820 | #5XB Book - Chapter 20 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 20 - Operator connections |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2821 | #5XB Book - Chapter 21 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 21 - Cold-cathode tube test set |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2822 | #5XB Book - Chapter 22 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 22 - Maintenance facilities |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2823 | #5XB Book - Chapter 23 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 23 - The automatic monitor |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2824 | #5XB Book - Chapter 24 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 24 - Trouble recorder |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2826 | #5XB Book - Chapter 25 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 25 - Register and Sender testing |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2826 | #5XB Book - Chapter 26 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 26 - Permanent signals |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2827 | #5XB Book - Chapter 27 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 27 - Pulse conversion |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2828 | #5XB Book - Chapter 28 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 28 - Alarm system |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2829 | #5XB Book - Chapter 29 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 29 - Interoffice transfer of alarms |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2830 | #5XB Book - Chapter 30 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 30 - AMA translator |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2831 | #5XB Book - Chapter 31 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 31 - Pretranslation |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2832 | #5XB Book - Chapter 32 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 32 - Traffic registers |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2833 | #5XB Book - Chapter 33 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 33 - Coin Calls |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2834 | #5XB Book - Chapter 34 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 34 - Dial-Tone and Completing Markers |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2835 | #5XB Book - Chapter 35 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 35 - New interruptor |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2836 | #5XB Book - Chapter 36 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 36 - Number-five Crossbar Opens the Door to Nationwide Customer Dialing |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2837 | #5XB Book - Chapter 37 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 37 - Marker and Transverter Testing |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2838 | #5XB Book - Chapter 38 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 38 - No. 5 Crossbar Tandem Revertive-Pulse Incoming Register. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2839 | #5XB Book - Chapter 39 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 39 - Code Translation |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2840 | #5XB Book - Chapter 40 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 40 - Intertoll Features |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2841 | #5XB Book - Chapter 41 | 24x7 OK: No. 5 Crossbar Book - Chapter 41 - Foreign Area Translation |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -2999 | Sent me a page | 24x7 OK: Send me a page via a POCSAG UHF pager. The range is about 2km, line of sight. After the beeps, enter the message using DTMF and press # or hang up to send. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -9908 | Phone Booth | WE 236 3-slot payphone in Western Electric wooden booth. |
Harte, Howard | 1-558 -9912 | WE 1C2 Payphone | 24x7 OK: Garage Payphone, with Protel 8000 chassis. |
Caudle, Bryan | 1-573 -5900 | 1000HZ Tone | 24x7 |
Caudle, Bryan | 1-573 -5901 | Speaking Clock (Eastern Time Zone) | 24x7 |
Caudle, Bryan | 1-573 -5902 | Echo Test | 24x7 |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0000 | ANI | Asterisk ANI readback |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0001 | Time in UTC and CDT | Asterisk time readback |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0002 | C*NET DISA | Also on 713 820 9411 - wait for dial tone |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0003 | Number Station | Reads out groups of 4 random numbers, forever |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0011 | Gordon1 Time | Gordon with Low Pips |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0012 | Gordon2 Time | Gordon with High Pips |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0013 | Pat Simmons Time | |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0014 | John Doyle Time | |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -0015 | Sam Hallas Time | |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -1000 | Conf Bridge | Conference Bridge |
Anderson, James | 1-577 -1101 | Cisco 7965 - CUCM 8.6 | Extension 101 on my Deskphone - call any time |
Tower, Kevin | 1-578 -1122 | Lenny | Telemarketer hell (Okay 24x7) |
Tower, Kevin | 1-578 -1201 | Den phone | Calls outside 7A-10P ET fwd to VM. |
Tower, Kevin | 1-578 -1204 | Mickey Phone | Mickey Mouse phone (calls outside 8A-8P fwd to VM) |
Tower, Kevin | 1-578 -1205 | Office phone | Calls outside 7A-6P ET fwd to VM |
Tower, Kevin | 1-578 -1801 | Milliwatt | Okay 24x7 |
Tower, Kevin | 1-578 -1802 | Echo test | Okay 24x7 |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5001 | Main switch office phone | Primary office contact |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5101 | Acid Rain | Music by render neptune |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5102 | Can It Be Done | Music by Render Neptune |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5103 | Saturn | Music by Render Neptune |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5244 | AT&T Exeter Desk Phone | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5700 | AT&T Partner Plus IVR | HYNDPAKEDS1 |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5701 | AT&T Partner Plus IVR Line 2 | HYNDPAKEDS1 |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5901 | HYNDPAKEDS0 Switch Verification | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5931 | Echo test | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5932 | Silent termination | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5945 | Milliwatt tone | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5958 | ANAC | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5970 | Always busy | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5971 | Always reorder | |
Gibbner, Cody | 1-580 -5990 | Rings forever | |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2050 | MA231 Crossbar | MA231 Rack (Gray 220 Trimline) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2052 | MA231 Crossbar | Test Bench |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2053 | MA231 Crossbar | Upper Level Master Station (Red 2220 Trimline) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2054 | MA231 Crossbar | Rear Entrance (AllenTel Outdoor Phone) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2055 | MA231 Crossbar | Main Level Display (White 2555) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2058 | MA231 Crossbar | Restroom (Red 2554) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2060 | MA231 Crossbar | Main Level Master Station (White 1220 Trimline) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2062 | MA231 Crossbar | Lower Level (Ivory 220 Trimline) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2064 | MA231 Crossbar | Switch Room (211 Space Saver) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -2065 | MA231 Crossbar | CO Foreman (Black 2220 Trimline) |
Salter, Larry | 1-589 -3001 | Main Contact Number | Black 1500 |
Jones, John | 1-589 -3001 | Eric Salter | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3000 | Song of the Sewer | By Ed Norton |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3001 | West Shore CTC Code Line | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3002 | Alternate Milliwatt | Generated by Asterisk |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3311 | Page Paul Wills | AE Code Call - Do not use after 9:00 PM Eastern Time. |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3513 | Picnic Grove | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3514 | Kitchen | Best number to reach someone |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3515 | Switchroom | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3516 | Study | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3518 | Garage, Outbuildings | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3565 | PTC Pole Telephone | Over Budelman Subscriber Carrier |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3577 | 24A Loop Checker | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3578 | Northeast Electronics Silent Termination | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3579 | Northeast Electronics Milliwatt | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3599 | Test Line, Normally Busy | Hear the famous Automatic Electric "Dying Mosquito" (r) busy tone! |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3625 | Workbench | Western Electric 755 PBX extension |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3631 | WECo 205 (E7) set on 755 PAX | |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3700 | Asterisk Console | SIP Phone |
Wills, Paul | 1-594 -3900 | Asterisk Milliwatt | |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0000 | System catch-all | Rings all phones in the house, not after 10pm ET please. |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0120 | Softphone - Cell | Forwards to cell phone |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0121 | Inward operator | Rings to phone in the radio shack of VA3UG |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0131 | Directory Assistance | Free411 |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0400 | Conference server | Asterisk conference server. Feel free to use. |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0500 | Speaking Clock | Speaking clock (Eastern time) |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0700 | Ring no answer | Ring no answer - 2 minutes then disconnects |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -0974 | Current weather conditions | Environment Canada weatherradio - conditions at CYQG |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1010 | AO51 | Recording of amateur radio satellite AO51 |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1020 | ISS NA1SS | Recording of the ISS over Antarctica |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1030 | Numbers Stations | BBC Radio 4 presentation on numbers stations |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1212 | ANI | OK 24/7 |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1234 | Never gonna give you up... | Rick Roll to your hearts content |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1260 | Milliwatt test | 20 seconds of 1004hz |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1426 | VA3UG | OK 24/7, audio from my Yaesu FT-950 - dead air if not on |
Zinger, Warren | 1-597 -1959 | FAX | Send me a fax! Same as 284-0580 |
Stanfield, Kirtley | 1-623 -2100 | SIP Phone | |
Bonk II, Scott | 1-625 -8000 | 1A2 551C Line 3 | |
Bonk II, Scott | 1-625 -8001 | 1A2 551C Line 4 | |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2004 | Defunct | Radio Zillion FM Unfortunately dead. This was a great streaming radio but it has disappeared. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2005 | Streaming Music | Streaming Radio Gay FM |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2006 | Vacant Number | Vacant Number Announcement, Male voice. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2007 | Vacant Number Excuse Me | The Excuse Me recording used for vacant numbers in Atlanta in the 1970s |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2008 | Permanent Signal Recording | Permanent Signal Recording. Pat Fleet. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2009 | Audible Ring Tucker Georgia 1970 | City Ring from the Tucker Georgia No. 5 Crossbar CO in the 1970s. Has interesting clicking interrupter noise. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2010 | Vacant Number Loganville | Vacant Number announcement from Loganville, Georgia in the 1970s. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2011 | Softphone iPhone | iPhone using Zoiper app. Not working. Frustrating. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2041 | Answering Machine | Recording of 1980s Answering Machine: Ann |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2042 | Answering Machine | Recording of 1980s Answering Machine: Frank |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2043 | Answering Machine | Recording of 1980s Answering Machine: JWI Bag Makers |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2044 | Answering Machine | Recording of 1980s Answering Machine: Suzanne in Hollywood CA |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2121 | Main Number | My Main Number. Polycom VVX 501 SIP Phone. Rings like No. 5 Crossbar |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2122 | IP Phone | Grandstream 2130 SIP Phone. No. 5 Crossbar sounds. I might answer if I',m around. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2131 | 565 Key System Phone with Speakerphone | Incoming doesn't work. It will ring once and trip with an error. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2133 | Stromberg 2500 | Rings nice. In the library closet. I might answer. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2134 | WE 2500 Phone | In the library closet. I might answer. |
Cardwell, Will | 1-635 -2XXX | Weatherchron AIS Joanne | Simulation using real AIS recordings. Voice of Joanne Daniels. Various reports on numbers 2012 through 2021. All other unused 635-2XXX numbers go to vacant number report. Eventually my Step switch will be using this number range. |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -5263 | Greeting | NEW-LAND (Location Info) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6011 | Polycom VVX-401 | Primary Number |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6200 | APC Industries 3M 1020-B Combination Test Line | Mode 1027: (10 sec each) 1004hz; 404hz, 2804hz |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6211 | ITEC Switch 1R | 100 Lines (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6246 | Busy Tone | Perm Busy: defective line ckt |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6311 | WE SxS 1R Hunting | 100 Lines (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6325 | Merlin Legend | 4 Trks, 16 ext (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6410 | Merlin 410 PBX | 4 Tks; 10 ext (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6411 | WE SxS 4pty Selective | 50 lines (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6505 | WE 505-C SWBD | 3 Trks, 7 ext (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6511 | SC XY Switch 1R | 100 Lines (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6518 | Open Line | |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6555 | WE 555 Switchboard | 40 Exts (w/display phones) |
Newland, Ron | 1-639 -6811 | ReOrder Tone | Blocked Level (ITEC) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7000 | MIT Dormline student-run AECo SxS PBX | MIT Dormitory Telephone System/Dormphone/Dormline was a student-run step-by-step PBX with DID trunks from the PSTN that was eventually cut over to a 5ESS. 1-MIT-7000 rings the "Test Desk" |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7101 | WECo 2500DM desk set | |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7200 | 72yx outpulses yx to AECo SxS test distributor | Plays recorded sounds of test distributor stepping up and over dialed digits (but absorbing second digits of vacant levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 0), then actually steps the switch (which occurs during the silence following the recorded sounds) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7300 | 73yx plays sounds of test distributor stepping | Any unassigned number from 1-MIT-7000 to 1-MIT-9999 (such as 1-MIT-73yx) generally plays sounds of the switch stepping up y and over x, then two seconds of silence, then the switch releasing (without actually operating the switch) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7335 | MIT Dormline time [specimen--not actual time] | MIT Dormline's time line was connected to a shortwave receiver in a closet on an upper floor of Ashdown House tuned to Canada's CHU time signal. (Using CHU's pre-2009 7335 KHz as a mnemonic--same as 7850) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7648 | Pre-1985 DID Announcement | Played for every incoming call from the PSTN |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7685 | 1985-until-5ESS-Cutover DID Announcement | Played for every incoming call from the PSTN from 1985 onward |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7732 | Hacked DID Announcement - Sport Death Censored | "This is MIT, where Sport Death has been censored by the Dean's Office. Collect and third-number calls will not be accepted at this number." (No recording of original available) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -7850 | MIT Dormline time [specimen--not actual time] | MIT Dormline's time line was connected to a shortwave receiver in a closet on an upper floor of Ashdown House tuned to Canada's CHU time signal. (Using CHU's current 7850 KHz as a mnemonic--same as 7335) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -8000 | MIT Dormline student-run AECo SxS PBX | Work-in-progress |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9000 | MIT Dormline student-run AECo SxS PBX | Work-in-progress |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9001 | The MIT Cheer - "The Beaver Call" | "e^u du/dx, e^x dx, cosine, secant, tangent, sine, 3.14159, integral, radical, mu dv, slipstick, slide rule, MIT! Go Tech!" |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9004 | Asterisk 1004-Hz milliwatt tone | |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9009 | Asterisk quiet termination | |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9255 | My MIT Dormline extension | Give me a call...just like old times.... |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9360 | MIT Media Lab "Garden" ringer | Neon bulb to photocell to Sun workstation to DECtalk was used to avoid ambiguity of ringing 1A2 key sets |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9464 | Imaginary number intercept | "The number you have dialed is imaginary. Please rotate your phone ninety degrees or dial zero plus zero times the square root of negative one for assistance. This is a recording." |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9725 | MIT UHF Repeater Assoc. W1XM repeater CWID | W1XM/R in Morse code for UHF repeater on 449.725 MHz with 114.8 Hz CTCSS tone |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9776 | MIT Radio Society W1MX calling CQ | Formerly 1XM, America's oldest college amateur station, established 1909 |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9911 | Cambridge PD radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9912 | Cambridge FD radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9913 | Cambridge FD Fireground 14 & 16 radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9914 | Cambridge EMS radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9915 | Boston PD radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9916 | Mass. Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) radio | (external scanner feed - feed apparently discontinued - set to default moh files for now) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9922 | BAPERN Central Area radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9923 | BAPERN 3 Wide Area radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9927 | MIT Campus Police and EMS radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9954 | KBOS helicopter radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9977 | Massachusetts State Police Boston Metro Area radio | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Snyder, Ross | 1-648 -9988 | NOAA WX radio KHB35 Milton 162.475 MHz | (external scanner feed - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't) |
Simpson, Peter | 1-655 -3002 | 1004 Hz | Test tone on when PBX is up. |
Simpson, Peter | 1-655 -3203 | Peter's desk | Best number to reach me |
Simpson, Peter | 1-655 -3xxx | P. Simpson FreePBX | FreePBX/Asterisk with Panasonic KX-TAW848 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-668 -1000 | Asterisk 1K tone | 24 x 7 Updated 5-18-15 |
McCarter, Phil | 1-668 -1111 | Itec Info Line | 24 x 7 This is a Itec EMS 1 and 2 Switch |
McCarter, Phil | 1-668 -2525 | Asterisk Time Of Day. | 24 x 7 |
Wisdom, Tammy | 1-669 -1000 | Tammy Wisdom | Polycom phone of mine |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4102 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 magneto milliwatt. FT&R TPL SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4121 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 Permanent line busy. FT&R TPL SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4499 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 connector routine test. FT&R TPL SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4723 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 recorded message. Status of G6 Farm. FT&R TPL SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4785 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 telegraph office. FT&R TPL SXS. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4930 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 Centurion touch-tone coin telephone in brown. FT&R TPL SXS. Ringback tone is a Lorain K5. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -4980 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 Centurion rotary coin telephone in brown. FT&R TPL SXS. Ringback tone is a Lorain K5. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-684 -7xxx | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01SX1 dead level intercept in FT&R TPL SXS. Intercept machine is a Viking Electronics DVA1003B. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Greenberg, Ed | 1-685 -2437 | Ed Greenberg | Connected to trunk 1 of a 507B. The board is left in Night Service, and there will be a recording explaining how things are set up. Feel free. |
Spacil, Ken | 1-686 -4997 | Asterisk Milliwatt | |
Jones, John | 1-687 -0579 | Calling Number Readback 24 x 7 | |
Jones, John | 1-687 -7700 | Main Number | This rings in the family room and in the switchroom. Odd ringback and no voicemail. |
Jones, John | 1-688 -9900 | Show Main Number | This is the C*NET Demo system that travels to many shows. At other times, it may be on-line at my home. |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -0000 | Not a number. See comments ->>> | Museum battery status http://battery.spmh.us |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -4099 | Busy line with flashing supervision. | Busy line with flashing supervision. |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -5118 | Panel Switch - Busyback | Always busy line. Has flashing sup from panel interrupter. |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -5234 | Panel Switch - Candlestick | @ right side of desk: http://witch.spmh.us/tci-testdesk.jpeg |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -5678 | Panel Switch - 202 set | @ left side of desk: http://witch.spmh.us/tci-testdesk.jpeg |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -5750 | Panel Switch - 553 wall set | 553 wall phone @ sender aisle |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-722 -5755 | Panel Switch - Space Saver | Space saver @ test / interrupter frames. Lots of ambient noise. |
Covert, John | 1-736 -5000 | PEnnsylvania 6-5000 | The oldest continuously active phone number in NYC: since 1919. Prior to 1961, it was a panel, and sounded like this. |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3211 | Ring-No-Answer | 740E Step-by-Step Dial PBX - See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6VI55c0hbE |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3219 | Busy Test | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3233 | 500 Desk Set | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3250 | 354 Wall Set | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3256 | 202 (D1) Imperial | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3265 | 302 Desk Set | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3268 | 202 (D1) Desk Set | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3270 | Main Number | Rings House |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3271 | W6RR Shack | Amateur Radio Station |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3277 | 102 (B1) Sidetone Desk Set | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3280 | 211 Spacesaver | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3288 | 51AL Sidetone Candlestick | 740E Switchroom |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3912 | ARRL Audio News | American Radio Relay League News Recording |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3948 | ANI | Asterisk announces Caller-ID |
Thornton, John | 1-740 -3965 | Cal Fire Scanner | San Luis Obispo County, CA Fire Scanner |
Stefanick, Joseph | 1-740 -5801 | MP - Princess Suite | Manhattan Project Princess Suite bedroom. |
Stefanick, Joseph | 1-740 -5804 | MP - Bar - Trimline | Manhattan Project Trimline back bar telephone. |
Stefanick, Joseph | 1-740 -5805 | MP - Bar - Nortel 3902 | Manhattan Project Nortel 3902 guest bar telephone. |
Stefanick, Joseph | 1-740 -5806 | MP - Main Number | Manhattan Project main telephone number to Nortel Meridian Option 11c. |
Stefanick, Joseph | 1-740 -5810 | MP - Baroness Suite | Manhattan Project Baroness Suite bedroom. |
Bax, Richard | 1-741 -3001 | 24/7 | Milliwatt |
Bax, Richard | 1-741 -3311 | 24/7 | Pi in Morse code |
Hope Tindall, Peter | 1-748 -0000 | Peter Hope-Tindall | Day time hours only please - Toronto, Canada time - EST5EDT |
Hope Tindall, Peter | 1-748 -0846 | UK Style Talking Clock | 24/7 - Gives local Toronto time - EST5EDT |
Hope Tindall, Peter | 1-748 -0996 | CallerID Readback | 24/7 - Reads back your CLID |
Hope Tindall, Peter | 1-748 -0997 | Echo Test | 24/7 - Echo Test |
Hope Tindall, Peter | 1-748 -0998 | Music on Hold | 24/7 - Asterisk Music on Hold |
Hope Tindall, Peter | 1-748 -0999 | Rickrolling | 24/7 - Rick Astley: "Never Gonna Give You Up" |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0000 | Operator console | Main contact number |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0001 | ACTIVE AGAIN! (7/5/2023) Ernest COCOT D3 Payphone | 24/7 (quiet ringer). After 5 rings, phone auto-answers. To check coin box totals, press *123456 after beep but before modem tone. Press * again for cumulative total. May or may not work over IAX due to poor Asterisk 1.2 DTMF handling. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0002 | Alternate Line | Alternate contact number |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0003 | VoiceMail | Direct line to leave a VoiceMail message on the system. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0004 | Alternate Line | Alternate contact number |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0010 | Rules compliant COCOTs, Part 1 | These were the most rules-compliant COCOTs Evan Doorbell and Les had ever seen. Red box used and anti-blue box measures discussed. Green boxing explained! 0 to exit, * and # to skip back and forth. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0011 | Rules compliant COCOTs, Part 2 | These were the most rules-compliant COCOTs Evan Doorbell and Les had ever seen. Red box used and anti-blue box measures discussed. Green boxing explained! 0 to exit, * and # to skip back and forth. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0012 | Warwick Part 1 | Warwick and the 914 Area of NY. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0013 | Warwick Part 2 | Warwick and the 914 Area of NY. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0014 | Warwick Part 3 | Warwick and the 914 Area of NY. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0015 | Warwick Part 4 | Warwick and the 914 Area of NY. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0016 | Warwick Part 5 | Warwick and the 914 Area of NY. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0017 | Warwick Part 6 | Warwick and the 914 Area of NY. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0018 | CCIS and phreaking | Effect of CCIS on Phreaking, Olney SFing, 1981-83. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0019 | Firesign Theater | "Waiting for the Electrician or Someone Like Him". A bit of groundbreaking comedy from the mid-1960s. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0020 | Exploring the Life Insurance Tie-lines | Exploring the Life Insurance Tie-lines, pgm 1 PARTIAL, Fall 1976 (ends abruptly) |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0021 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm. 7 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm.7: The Dark Side of "Party Lines," November 1970 |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0022 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm.8 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm. 8: Kennedy Airport Phone Trip, December 1970 |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0023 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm.9 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm. 9 (Nov-Dec 1970) |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0024 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm.10 | How I Became a Phone Phreak pgm. 10 (December 1970) |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0025 | Secrets of the Little Blue Box, Part 1 | By Ron Rosenbaum. Originally published in Esquire, October 1971. Part 1 of 5. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0026 | Secrets of the Little Blue Box, Part 2 | By Ron Rosenbaum. Originally published in Esquire, October 1971. Part 2 of 5. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0027 | Secrets of the Little Blue Box, Part 3 | By Ron Rosenbaum. Originally published in Esquire, October 1971. Part 3 of 5. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0028 | Secrets of the Little Blue Box, Part 4 | By Ron Rosenbaum. Originally published in Esquire, October 1971. Part 4 of 5. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0029 | Secrets of the Little Blue Box, Part 5 | By Ron Rosenbaum. Originally published in Esquire, October 1971. Part 5 of 5. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0030 | Retrospective by Ron Rosenbaum, Part 1 | Retrospective on Secrets of the Little Blue Box by the author Ron Rosenbaum. 2018. Part 1. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0031 | Retrospective by Ron Rosenbaum, Part 2 | Retrospective on Secrets of the Little Blue Box by the author Ron Rosenbaum. 2018. Part 2. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0032 | Exploding the Phone, Foreward | "Foreward" by Steve Wozniak. By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0033 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 01 | "Fine Arts 13" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0034 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 02 | "Birth of a Playground" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0035 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 03 | "Cat and Canary" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0036 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 04 | "The Largest Machine in the World" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0037 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 05 | "Blue Box" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0038 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 06 | "Some People Collect Stamps" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0039 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 07 | "Headache" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0040 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 08 | "Blue Box Bookies" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0041 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 09 | "Little Jojo Learns to Whistle" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0042 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 10 | "Bill Acker Learns to Play the Flute" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0043 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 11 | "The Phone Phreaks of America" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0044 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 12 | "The Law of Unintended Consequences" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0045 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 13 | "Counterculture" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0046 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 14 | "Busted" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0047 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 15 | "Pranks" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0048 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 16 | "The Story of a War" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0049 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 17 | "A Little Bit Stupid" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0050 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 18 | "Snitch" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0051 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 19 | "Crunched" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0052 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 20 | "Twilight" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0053 | Exploding the Phone, Ch. 21 | "Nightfall" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0054 | Exploding the Phone, Epilogue | "Epilogue" By Phil Lapsley. Narrated by Evan Doorbell. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0056 | Direct access to "Lenny" | "Lenny" script, designed to drive telemarketers crazy. Try to sell him something. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0100 | "Milliwatt" | 1004 Hz. Measures -13.5 dB locally over my PAP2T. YMMV. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0101 | Test number | "Weasels" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0102 | Test number | "Monkeys" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0103 | Test number | "Moo 1" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0104 | Test number | "Moron" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0105 | Test number | "Moo 2" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0106 | Test number | "Something wrong" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0107 | Test number | "Made it up" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0108 | Test number | "Im bored" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0109 | Test number | "Dont Understand" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0110 | Test number | "Step in stream" recording |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0111 | ProjectMF demo | Phiber ProjectMF presentation at Hope 6. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0112 | Tandem stacking | Evan Doorbell. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0113 | N1 phreaking, part 1 | Evan Doorbell juices off N1 and phreaks around. Part 1. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0114 | N1 phreaking, part 2 | Evan Doorbell juices off N1 and phreaks around. Part 2. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0115 | 1xx and 0xx codes | Evan Doorbell investigates 1xx and 0xx codes. Also a reference to the 2111 conference. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0116 | Evan Doorbell | How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 1. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0117 | Evan Doorbell | How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 2. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0118 | Evan Doorbell | How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 3. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0119 | Evan Doorbell | How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 4. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0120 | Evan Doorbell | How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 5. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0121 | Inward Operator | Rings switch phones |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0122 | Evan Doorbell | How Evan Doorbell became a Phone Phreak, Part 6. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0123 | Joybubbles, Part 1 | Emmannuel Goldstein 1991 interview with Joybubbles, Part 1. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0124 | Joybubbles, Part 2 | Emmannuel Goldstein 1991 interview with Joybubbles, Part 2. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0125 | Joybubbles Tech., Part 1 | Haxor interview with Joybubbles, part 1. Great technical info. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0126 | Joybubbles tech., Part 2 | Haxor interview with Joybubbles, part 2. Great technical info. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0127 | Joybubbles Tech., Part 3 | Haxor interview with Joybubbles, part 3. Great technical info. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0128 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 1 | Introduction. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0129 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 2 | Calls to Centralized Intercept (February 1977, June 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0129 | Secrets of the Little Blue Box, Part 5 | By Ron Rosenbaum. Originally published in Esquire, October 1971. Part 5 of 5. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0130 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 3 | The Hempstead-White Plains Route (June 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0131 | Free411 | Directory assistance |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0132 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 4 | Anecdotes, Centralized Intercept, #5 Crossbar (February 1977, June 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0133 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 5 | An Assortments of Calls via Hempstead Tandem 3 (June 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0134 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 6 | Centralized Intercept Calls via New York 7 (February 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0135 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 7 | Calls to NY States 315 NPA (Summer 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0136 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 8 | More calls to NY States 315 NPA (Summer 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0137 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 9 | DDD from Panel, 4M Dialpulsing (1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0138 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 10 | DDD from #1 Crossbar, ANI Failures, NX1 Sounds (1974-1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0139 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 11 | Calls to -- and through -- NX1s (1974-1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0140 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 12 | Centralized Intercept, NX1 Test Board, NX1 Tandem calls (1974-1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0141 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 13 | More NX1s, Receiving a Stacked Call, Hempstead-White Plains Route (1974-1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0142 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 14 | DDD Demo Recordings (1971-1975), SP1 Tandems (1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0143 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 15 | SP1s, SFing Augusta Step Tandem (1976-77). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0144 | Sounds of Long Distance, Part 16 | 4M & XBT Audible Dialpulsing, Calling France, Forced Reroutes (1974-1982). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0145 | Listen to 762-0115 first | Dialing the "1xx" Codes from Greenville NC Coin Phones, part 1 (1978,1980). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0146 | Listen to 762-0115 first | Dialing the "1xx" Codes from Greenville NC Coin Phones, part 2 (1978,1980). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0147 | Local Coin Control in the 1970s | 1975-1978, 2001. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0148 | Sounds of Panel, Part 1 | GEdney 9 Panel in Brooklyn NY (November, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0149 | Sounds of Panel, Part 2 | GEdney 9 Panel in Brooklyn NY (November, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0150 | Sounds of Panel, Part 3 | GEdney 9 Panel in Brooklyn NY (November, 1977) - Great explanation of panel operation. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0151 | Network Sounds of the 70s, Part 1 | 1976-1981. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0152 | Network Sounds of the 70s, Part 2 | 1976-1981. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0153 | Elizabeth City Part 1 | Step With Directors: Elizabeth City NC Area (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0154 | Elizabeth City Part 2 | Step With Directors: Elizabeth City NC Area (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0155 | Elizabeth City Part 3 | STACKING local offices: Elizabeth City NC Area (Summer, 1978). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0156 | Elizabeth City Part 4 | Step With Directors, More Details: Elizabeth City NC Area (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0157 | Elizabeth City Part 5 | Step With Directors, A Closer C.O.: Elizabeth City NC Area (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0158 | CNET Switch Stacking | Demo of switch stacking on CNET with DISA and MF. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0159 | Overview of #1 Step, Part 1 | Bell System #1 Step in downtown Raleigh NC (Sept., 1979). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0160 | Overview of #1 Step, Part 2 | Bell System #1 Step in downtown Raleigh NC (Sept., 1979). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0161 | Comment line | Record a comment for all to hear. Playback at 1-762-0171. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0162 | Overview of #1 Step, Part 3 | Bell System #1 Step in downtown Raleigh NC (Sept., 1979). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0163 | Overview of #1 Step, Part 4 | Bell System #1 Step in downtown Raleigh NC (Sept., 1979). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0164 | ProjectMF Lecture | My ConfCon presentation on ProjectMF, July 2009. www.confcon.org. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0165 | Senderized XY Steps, Intro | Prince William County VA, Woodbridge-Occoquan-Lorton (June 1973, August 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0166 | Senderized XY Steps, Part 1 | Prince William County VA: The Local Area From Woodbridge-Occoquan (August 1977, October 1973). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0167 | Senderized XY Steps, Part 2 | Prince William County VA: changes in the Occoquan switch, 1973 to 1977 (October 1973, August 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0168 | Senderized XY Steps, Part 3 | Prince William County VA: Manassas in 1976 (May, June 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0169 | Senderized XY Steps, Part 4 | Prince William County VA: Dale City in October 1973. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0170 | Senderized XY Steps, Part 5 | Prince William County VA: Dale City, Rewired (August 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0171 | Playback comments | Playback comments recorded at 1-762-0161. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0172 | Senderized XY Steps, Part 6 | Prince William County VA: Long Distance from Dale City; Virginia Suburbs of D.C. from Occoquan-Lorton (August 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0173 | Lily Tomlin - Ernestine | Complete "This is a Recording" album featuring Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the operator. 45 minutes. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0174 | 052 Conference, Part 1 | Phreaks from Esquire article on "052" conference, part 1 (January, 1972). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0175 | 052 Conference, Part 2 | Phreaks from Esquire article on "052" conference, part 2 (January, 1972). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0176 | Tom Duffy Conversation | Conversation with AT&T security man, Tom Duffy (1972). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0177 | Carolina Tel. part 1 | Step with ESS tones in Washington NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0178 | Carolina Tel. part 2 | Step in Belhaven NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0179 | Carolina Tel. part 3 | LD Calls from Greenville NX1 (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0180 | Carolina Tel. part 4 | NX1-E in Vanceboro NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0181 | Carolina Tel. part 5 | Step with "GTE" ring in Williamston NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0182 | Carolina Tel. part 6 | Step with no E.A.S. in Windsor NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0183 | Carolina Tel. part 7 | Step homing on an NX1 in Farmville NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0184 | Carolina Tel. part 8 | Step C.D.O. in Stantonsburg NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0185 | Carolina Tel. part 9 | A Larger Step in Wilson NC (March, 1977). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0186 | Busy and Ring | Busy signals and ring sounds around the U.S. (1971). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0187 | Phil Lapsley | "History of Phone Phreaking" talk by Phil Lapsley, who has just completed a book on the history of phone phreaking. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0188 | Harrisonburg, VA, part 1 | Step in Harrisonburg VA, part 1 (August, 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0189 | Harrisonburg, VA, part 2 | Step in Harrisonburg VA, part 2 (August, 1976) (Includes "Local Carrier Sounds" Demo, 1974-1986). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0190 | Harrisonburg, VA, part 3 | Step Tributaries of Harrisonburg VA, part 1 (August, 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0191 | Harrisonburg, VA, part 4 | Step Tributaries of Harrisonburg VA, part 2 (August, 1976). 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0194 | Phil Lapsley | Phone Phreak Confidential: The Backstory of the History of Phone Phreaking. Presented at HOPE Number 9 conference, 2012. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0195 | John Draper interview | 2006 UK Hacker Voice Radio interview with John Draper (Captain Crunch), legendary phone phreak. Use "#" repeatedly to bypass lengthy musical intro. 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0196 | Phone Trips Song | Evan Doorbell goes over the top. Listen to all 6 minutes, if you dare! 0 to exit, * and # to skip backward and forward. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0198 | Supervision test | Flashes 2600 Hz. Direct connection, NOT through SF-controlled trunks. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0199 | Supervision test | Flashes 2600 Hz. Routed through a 2600-controlled trunk so that operation of the notch filter may be heard. Two cheeps of 2600 are heard for each burst of 2600, one when the tone is applied, one when removed, as the DSP filter "rings". |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0555 | Revertive Pulse Generator | Repeatedly prompts for a 4-digit number and converts to revertive pulses, as generated by the Incoming and Final frames of a panel switch. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0600 | Echo Test | Asterisk echo test |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -0919 | ProjectMF Operator Paging | Dials my Polycom IP320 desk phone in auto-answer speakerphone mode, connecting both parties directly to the 762-2111 conference bridge. Allows paging the Operator or adding him to a conference remotely. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -1111 | CNAM Reverse Lookup | Enter a 10-digit phone number after the voice prompt and beep. The system performs a reverse lookup from a real CNAM database and spells out the resulting name twice. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2020 | Monitor SF or DP tandem trunks | Monitors the near and far SF/DP tandem trunks used for the ProjectMF system. Trunks 1-24 (SF/MF) and 49-72 (DP) are on the originating tandem trunk group, paired with trunks 25-48 (SF/MF) and 73-96 (DP) on the terminating tandem trunk group. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2111 | Conference Bridge | "#" disconnects. "*" plays a menu of settings. "8" exits the menu and returns to the conference. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2600 | 2600+KP+011+country code+number+ST | Collectors Net Access via Blue Box |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2600 | 2600+KP+xxx-xxx-xxxx+ST | Outdial to the PSTN via Blue Box |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2600 | 2600+KP+XXX+ST | Access to all the 762-0XXX extensions via Blue Box |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2600 | 2600+KP+XXXX+ST | Access to all the 762-XXXX extensions via Blue Box |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2600 | ProjectMF Access | Access ProjectMF to legally Blue Box calls. An introductory recording explains the Project. Note that one may also Blue Box from any "762" office number that routes over an SF/MF trunk by sending 2600Hz to seize the trunk. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2600 | 2600+KP+013+number+ST | NPSTN access via Blue Box. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2601 | ProjectMF | Like 762-2600, but without the verbose explanation. Note that one may also Blue Box from any "762" office number that routes over an SF/MF trunk by sending 2600Hz to seize the trunk. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2602 | CNET DISA | DISA to test your incoming configurations. CNET only. Dial 011+Country_Code+CNET_Number. Callerid set to "via DISA-Don Froula"/17620000. Also listen to old tandem intercepts by dialing just the area code. |
Froula, Don | 1-762 -2606 | Sample Toneplant tones | US and UK modern and vintage telephony tones generated by the Arduino toneplant software written by Don Froula. Build your own tone plant. Contact Don for info. |
Young, Shane | 1-763 -8890 | AE Plunger Board Phone | |
Vitrano, Jim | 1-764 -9903 | Milliwatt tone | |
Pursley, Dave | 1-767 -8001 | Dave Pursley - Home | Usually reachable nights and weekends. Pacific Time. Other times will end up on voicemail. I maintain 767-8900, the Jane Barbe Time Tribute Line. |
Pursley, Dave | 1-767 -8900 | Jane Barbe Time Tribute | 24/7 -- This is a Tribute to "The Time Lady," Jane Barbe (1928–2003). The audio recordings are from an old Audichron. Accurate to within 1 second. Set via GPS. 767-8900 was the "official" number in the San Francisco Bay Area. |
Spafford, Dave | 1-772 -3626 | Various phones 40s to 80s around the house; | New to C*NET 11-11-13 |
Schlegel, Ralf | 1-772 -8998 | SRBT Not In Service | Test line to confirm tandem configuration. Should return a number not in service intercept. |
Schlegel, Ralf | 1-772 -8999 | Switch Information | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-779 -6024 | AE Desk Phone | (7pm-11pm Eastern) Mitel X-24 Usually patched through WE 555 CO Trunk 4 to LR WE Desk Phone |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-779 -6190 | A test message | Should be good 24/7 |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-779 -6191 | A different test message | Should be good 24/7 |
van Cleave, Jody | 1-784 -3375 | Main Line | |
van Cleave, Jody | 1-784 -3525 | Asterisk time | |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5901 | Test: Ringing | Signaled Ringback, the calling party device must generate ringback tone locally. No answer supervision sent from the called number. |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5902 | Test: Busy | Signaled Busy (Cause code 17) the calling party device must generate busy tone locally. No answer supervision sent from the called number. |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5903 | Test: Congestion | Signaled Congestion (Cause code 34) the calling party device must generate reorder tone or an announcement locally. No answer supervision sent from the called number. |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5904 | Test: Progress | Ringack tone is heard from the far-end. No answer supervision sent from the called number. |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5905 | Test: Answer | Answer Supervison and announcement. |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5906 | Test: Hangup | Hangup with no answer (Cause code 16) |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -5907 | Test: Echo | Called end echos audio to caller. Answer supervision present. |
Triplett, Paul | 1-821 -9804 | Home | ATA - Rings in on KX-TA824 Line 8. FX on ShaneTel for testing & backup. See also 856 exchange. |
Young, Shane | 1-821 -9806 | Joel Eves | |
McGaha, Greg | 1-821 -9871 | test number | Coyotenet Telephone. Rings to WE 2500, not always on. |
McGaha, Greg | 1-821 -9872 | Coyotenet Test Desk | Test. Rings to WE 2500, not always on. |
Grindstaff, Will | 1-821 -9897 | Panasonic 616 PBX with a Western Electric 1D2 payphone hooked to it. Located in my basement, so I might not always be near it) | |
David, Alan | 1-821 -9898 | Traveling CNET line | C*NET line direct to truck. If I am on the road like I usually am, you should be able to reach me here. |
Vaughn, Tom | 1-821 -9905 | Rings All Phones | Central Office line 3 into a Panasonic KX-T61610 PBX located in La Porte, Indiana USA. Home of the first automatic telephone exchange. |
Vaughn, Tom | 1-821 -9906 | Home | Western Electric Princess rotary telephone. |
Geurts, William | 1-821 -9921 | Hooked to Panasonic 616 | Not after 9:00pm Pacific time, please. |
Lode, Daniel | 1-821 -9940 | Main number | this is my main number (best one to get me on) and goes to my Panasonic 616. Feel free to call and if i am not at work i will answer. early mornings and evenings are best. |
Roberts, Kyle | 1-821 -9952 | Rings all the phones | Call anytime till 22:00 (pacific time). It's a line on my PBX and if I'm not busy I'll talk. |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -2100 | 60 IPM Busy | NE Rotary Conn Grp |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -2160 | Conn Intercept | WE drum Intercept announcer |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -2200 | 60 IPM Busy | NE 10 PTY TPS Conn Grp |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -2222 | Keith Hlavacs-Main Number | Main number to call me from C*Net |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -2300 | 60 IPM Busy | NE 1 ring Conn- type 25 (primitive!) tones |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -2323 | 554 in switchroom | NE 1 Ring conn- Type 25 ring shelf |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -3001 | 60 ipm Busy | WE TPL Conn Grp |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -3131 | Paul Williams | neighbor's house |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -345X | WE TPL Code Ringing | no phone, X=any dig 1-0 355A Tones |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -9002 | milliwatt | Asterisk miliwatt |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -9023 | FXS | FX line directly from Asterisk |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -9990 | Test line Test | WE Test Line Test- |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-823 -9996 | Milliwatt | Rotary (mechanical) milliwatt |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-832 -0000 | Not a number. See comments ->>> | Museum battery status http://battery.spmh.us |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-832 -0000 | Overflow test | 120 IPM overflow |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-832 -0018 | crybaby | SD-96357 No Such Number tone |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-832 -5115 | Machine Ringing 1 | |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-832 -7777 | No Such Number announcement | By our oldest volunteer, Les Anderson! |
Connections Museum, neverether | 1-832 -9999 | 1XB DISA | List of things to dial is at: https://witch.spmh.us/disa/ |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -0001 | Welcome Message | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -0002 | Milliwatt | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -0004 | Echo test | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -0005 | Sounds of the Step Switch | OK 24/7. Recording of a call made on the switch. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -0018 | Hyacinth Bucket | OK 24/7. More Hyacinth on 0021 thru 0027. |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -2525 | BT&T Time (ET) | OK to call 24/7 |
Alderdice, Doug | 1-833 -8375 | Computer room phone | Same as 366-3212 |
Engstrom, Kyle | 1-836 -7000 | rotary trimline on desk | |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1212 | Eastern Time | Time of day. Eastern Time. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1213 | Weather - Mackinac Island, MI | Weather for Mackinac Island, Michigan in northern Lake Huron. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1214 | Weather - Flint, MI | Weather for Flint, Michigan - Bishop Airport 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1215 | Weather - Anchorage, AK | Weather for Anchorage, Alaska 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1222 | Weather - Bad Axe, MI | Weather for Bad Axe, Michigan - Huron County (not near Lake Huron shoreline). 24/7 |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1311 | Caller ID Readback | Reads back the number you are calling from. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1313 | Home | Primary Contact - ATA - Grandstream HT818 - Rings in on KX-TA824 Line 7. If you can't get through call 821-9804. |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1333 | Intercept | ICPT 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1600 | Echo Test | Echo Test 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1663 | Meet-Me Conference Line | Meet Me Conference Line. |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -1711 | Jane Barbe Ads | A series of Jane Barbe ads that were used on Audichron machines. Thanks to A David. |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -3000 | Vacant Code Announcement | Vacant Code Announcement from Bell Labs in N.J. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -3340 | WWV-WWVH Time Radio | WWV & WWVH recordings from Jane Barbe, Don Elliot & John Doyle. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -3341 | WWV-WWVH | WWV & WWVH a couple of uncommon recordings. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -3662 | Long Distance Test | Long Distance Test Number via CAMA operator and call progression. 24/7 OK |
Triplett, Paul | 1-856 -9902 | Payphone AE 120B | AE 120B Payphone inside the garage. The Payphone outside in the booth is on the PSTN 989 856-6333. |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -1100 | Primary Contact | 9am-9pm Eastern Time |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -1233 | Count Down | Counts down from where last count ended |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -1234 | Count Up | Counts up from where last count ended |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -1616 | Millennial song | |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -3341 | Not in Service | |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -3566 | Elmo | Toy Elmo singing Chicken Song |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -3863 | DTMF Test | one digit at a time 0-9 No *or# |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -8441 | Organ Roller Skating music from the '70s. Tape 44 side 1 Composed by Bill Clark Approx 30 mins long 24/7 | |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -8442 | Organ Roller Skating music from the '70s. Tape 44 side 2 Composed by Bill Clark Approx 34 mins long 24/7 | |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -8445 | Yodeltime | Swiss Yodel Music Oesch's die Dritten |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -8448 | Juhee! Juhey! | Swiss Yodel Music Oesch's die Dritten |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -8997 | Asterisk Milliwatt | |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9101 | Pat Fleet | Your number not-in-svc |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9102 | Pat Fleet | Playback(pf/if-youd-like-to-make-a-call)....... |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9107 | Pat Fleet | My CLLI & Location |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9667 | Pat Fleet | Playback(pf/if-youd-like-to-make-a-call)....... |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9901 | RBT | MusicOnHold(355A-ring1,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9902 | RBT | MusicOnHold(355A-ring2,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9903 | RBT | MusicOnHold(CDO-Ring,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9904 | RBT | MusicOnHold(CDO-Ring2,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9905 | RBT | MusicOnHold(5xbring,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9906 | RBT | MusicOnHold(5xbring2,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9907 | RBT | MusicOnHold(Old5xbring,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9908 | RBT | MusicOnHold(Old5xbring2,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9909 | RBT | MusicOnHold(Panelring,60,noanswer) |
Spacil, Ken | 1-857 -9912 | RBT | MusicOnHold(Glenmoore,60) ;the original ring tone from Glenmoore,Pa. (My childhood C.O.) At the time of recording was 215-942. Now that co is in 610 NPA. Courtesy of Phone Trips. |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4000 | MAIN C*Net tree starts here. | Project Gemeny. Many options, Staff gets to my Polycom Desk phone in the office (Maryland evenings & weekends please) |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4020 | Not connected at present | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4021 | Dials 24 on Mitel | (7pm-11pm Eastern) Mitel X-21 Usually patched through WE 555 CO Trunk 1 to Office. AE Desk Phone |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4022 | Dials 22 on Mitel | (7pm-11pm Eastern) Mitel X-22 Usually patched through WE 555 CO Trunk 2 to LR WE Desk Phone |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4023 | Dials 23 on Mitel | (7pm-11pm Eastern) Mitel X-23 Usually patched through WE 555 CO Trunk 3 to LR Pedestal Phone |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4024 | Dials 24 on Mitel | (7pm-11pm Eastern) Mitel X-24 Usually patched through WE 555 CO Trunk 4 to LR WE Desk Phone |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4029 | MODEM PDP-8 | (Off-line) This would ring the autoanswer modem on the console of my SBC-6120 new clon of a PDP-8 dot prompt means you in OS type BASIC the OLD then TEST01 but be nice... |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4111 | Enum Lookup | 24/7 |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4112 | Revertive Pulsing script demo | 24/7 This script was provided by Russ Price at https://octothorpe.info/site/pulsar |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4114 | Echo Back 10Sec | 24/7 |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4121 | 24/7 Enum Lookup | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4122 | 24/7 Revertive Pulsing script | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4124 | 24/7 Echo Back 10Sec after the tone | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4125 | 24/7 Weather - Westminster, MD fetched form NWS | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4129 | 24/7 Chat with Lenny... this will entertain, but beware Lenny records (Under MD Law, You made the call intending to speak so recording is not considered an interception.) | |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4195 | Pluto Flyby | 24/7 Audio of New Horizons Mission Operations Manager (MOM) calling roll and declaring a successful flyby 9pm July 14 2015 (DOY 195). |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4199 | Weather - Westminster, MD | 24/7 Weather.agi - KDMW Westminster MD http://www.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/KDMW.xml |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4208 | Andrew Gemeny from 1976 | 24/7 The original owner of this number (in Maryland), my Grandfather answers his old (1930s to 1969) phone number. Sound files recovered by me in 2006 from cassette recordings he made for me in 1976. |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4213 | IAX to RaspberryPi Zero-W | 24/7 the Pi plays back CID as a Master Tone dialing sequence (Script from Lee Spenadel via John Novack). |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4216 | IAX to RaspberryPi Zero-W | 24/7 immediate echo test shows the latency on the Pi (click your tongue or snap your fingers) |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4217 | IAX to RaspberryPi Zero-W | 24/7 Read-back of the Pi Linux Time in UTC & Local |
Gemeny, Steve | 1-864 -4218 | IAX to RaspberryPi Zero-W | 24/7 Your Caller ID read back by the Pi |
Grant, Thomas | 1-865 -5511 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01EMS permanent line busy. ITEC EMS-1. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Grant, Thomas | 1-865 -5594 | Paradise Township Telephone PDSEIL01EMS GTE 120B payphone. ITEC EMS-1. (ok to call 7x24) | |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-882 -2211 | John Hlavacs | My Parent's House |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-882 -2221 | My House-Keith Hlavacs | AE 32A32 switch (old Chapin MI Switch) |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-882 -2711 | 60 IPM Busy | AE 32A32 (parents bsement) |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-882 -6500 | 60 IPM Busy | XY Demo Tube Tone Gen (not always on) |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-882 -6513 | SC1553 wall set | XY Demo (not always on) |
Hlavacs, Keith | 1-882 -6515 | XY ring gen | no phone, XY Demo (not always on) |
Blakely, Greg | 1-888 -4210 | ITEC Switchroom | |
Blakely, Greg | 1-888 -4242 | ITEC Switchroom | Line one on 1A2 shoebox KSU. |
Blakely, Greg | 1-888 -4252 | ITEC Switchroom | Line two on 1A2 switch room phone system. |
Blakely, Greg | 1-888 -4262 | ITEC Switchroom | Line three on 1A2 switch room phones |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-967 -3322 | Administrative offices, shop, etc. | WE 1A2 ( July-Sept+) |
The Telephone Museum, | 1-967 -3326 | Museum Receptionist/Operator | WE 555 ( July-Sept+) |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2105 | WWV - The Tick | All the time, All the time! |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2111 | N2MH Radio Shack | Main Phone - Yealink T-22P |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2163 | NOAA WX Radio Southard, NJ | WXM60 162.450 MHz |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2164 | NOAA WX Radio Highland, NJ | WXL37 162.475 MHz |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2165 | NOAA WX Radio Hardyston, NJ | KZZ31 162.500 MHz |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2167 | NOAA WX Radio NYC, NY | KWO35 162.550 MHz |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2195 | Asterisk milliwatt | |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2196 | 3-tone Slope | 404/1004/2804 cps |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -2199 | NOAA Weather Radio in NNJ | This line connects to a live radio capable of receiving all 7 NOAA Weather Radio channels in the NNJ area (162.4 MHz up to 162.55 MHz). Dial *961 for WX ch 1 (162.4) *962 for WX ch 2 (162.425) up to *967 for WX ch 7 (162.55) *960 to hang up (reqd) |
Herson, Mark | 1-973 -3123 | Nerd Time | Think about the beginning of time..... |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0102 | SPEAKNG CLOCK | (OK 24/7) |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0103 | Echotest | (OK 24/7) Basic echotest |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0104 | CallerID Verify | (OK 24/7) Reads out your callerID |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0105 | DTMF Test | (OK 24/7) |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0111 | Jackson, TN Forecast | (OK 24/7) Jackson, TN Forecast. Pulls from Weather.gov. UPDATE 04 Jan 2024: Current time, Weather, alerts, and forecast fixed. |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0117 | Test Line | (OK 24/7) |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0118 | Current Date & Time Only | (OK 24/7) |
White, Damian | 1-989 -0119 | Milliwatt test | (OK 24/7) |
White, Damian | 1-989 -2000 | NOAA WEATHER RADIO Jackson TN | (OK 24/7) NOAA WEATHER RADIO WXK60 Jackson TN. |
White, Damian | 1-989 -3001 | 94.5 KISS FM Jackson | (OK 24/7) "The Midsouth's Number 1 Hit Music Station!" Top 40 Radio Station I run. Runs as "Christmas 94.5" during holidays. |
Moylan, Chris | 1-999 -0808 | Desk phone | Western Electric 500 sitting next to my desk. 1700 to 2200 US CST |
Timmermann, Karl | 1-999 -0909 | Desk phone | Testing for now. |
Hearne, Frank | 1-999 -1212 | Cisco IP Phone 303 | Ok 24/7 |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -1676 | ||
Braverman, Phil | 1-999 -1700 | Phil's Office | |
Braverman, Phil | 1-999 -1701 | Phil's Bedroom | You can call both numbers up to 10 PM Pacific Time |
Henricksen, Daniel | 1-999 -3212 | Main line | Feel free to call between 9 AM to 6 PM Pacific Time. |
Henricksen, Daniel | 1-999 -3213 | Line hunting | |
Adler, Fred | 1-999 -3733 | Main number | PBX CO Trunk 22 |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -6262 | ||
Hulin, Kevin | 1-999 -7000 | ATA | Linksys PAP2T |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8800 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8900 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8901 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8902 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8903 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8904 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8905 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8906 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8907 | MP Cisco | |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8908 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8909 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8910 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8911 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8912 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8913 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8914 | Mark Ruggiero - Test | ATA on loan to Mark from Bob Hill |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8915 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8916 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8917 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8918 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8919 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8920 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8921 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8922 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8923 | 1A2 Line 3 | |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8924 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8925 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8926 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8927 | ||
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8928 | Dave Dintenfass | ATA on loan to Dave from Bob Hill |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8929 | Dave Dintenfass | ATA on loan to Dave from Bob Hill |
Hill, Bob | 1-999 -8930 |