Telephone Quiz

Let's get started!

You will be taking the 10-question Telephone Quiz. All questions are multiple-choice, with one correct answer each. If you pass, you will recieve the Honorary Telephone Award!

1. What year was the telephone invented?

2. When was American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) founded?

3. The first telephone switchboard operators were:

4. Which of the following telephone models is NOT a rotary telephone?

5. Which of the following components was NOT part of the Bell System?

6. What type of telephone is pictured below?

7. What type of telephone is pictured below?

8. What type of telephone is pictured below?

9. What type of telephone form factor is the model shown below?

10. When did the Bell System Divestiture take place?

*'The Legacy of the Bell System' is not a real publication, but maybe it will be someday!